Authorities are condemning a deadly cattle raid in Rubkona County of South Sudan’s Unity State which left more than a dozen South Sudanese and Sudanese cattle herders killed; Lecturers at South Sudan’s main public university, the University of Juba, have gone on strike to protest the non-payment of their salary arrears for the past six months; Some 60 South Sudanese inmates sent to harvest sesame in Sudanese farms near the border with Ethiopia were reportedly captured by the Ethiopian armed group early this week
Authorities in Jonglei State say a dozen people were killed and many others injured during a cattle raid in the state’s Duk County on Monday; A member of South Sudan’s National Legislative Assembly, Grace Abalang, says women from Eastern Equatoria State do not have reason to celebrate International Women's Day because of recent violence and subsequent displacement of thousands of women; Authorities in Lakes State have detained and are investigating two police officers following an incident in which they opened fire on a private vehicle killing a young woman and injuring two other passengers
As the world commemorates Women's History Month, some South Sudanese women in the capital, Juba, are complaining about what they call discriminatory and unlawful treatment they receive from police and immigration officers at the various checkpoints whenever they travel with their children; Authorities in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area say prices of basic commodities have sharply dropped after traders resorted to supplying the town through Eastern Equatoria State a month after the Juba-Pibor road shutdown over insecurity; With just 12 months to the end of the transitional period, partners in South Sudan’s unity government have yet to establish a Special Reconstruction Fund, as required by the revitalized peace agreement
WASHINGTON - Many members of the opposition in South Sudan’s parliament say the atmosphere in the house is stifling. Juol Nhomngek Daniel, a Nationa