Vote vote the presiding officer are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change their vote . If not, the yeas are 92, the nays are 4. And the nomination is confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table. The president will be immediately notified of the senates action. The presiding officer the clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. The clerk cloture motion we, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of john w. Holcomb of california to be United States district judge for the Central District of california. The presiding officer by unanimous consent, the mandatory quorum call has been waived. The question is, is it the sense of the senate that debate on the nomination of john w. Holcomb of california to be United States district judge for the Central District of california shall
Streaming on cbsn bay area , we are looking live from our exclusive Salesforce Tower camera as we look at east low lying fog. Good morning, it is thursday, september 17th. I am michelle griego. I am len keise. Good to have you with us. And lets get your forecast. The fog is out there, mary, but our air quality is a okay today. It is so nice, len and michelle are looking at that refreshing ocean breeze kicking in once again, so looking at that better air quality. Here look e t air quality. They are good to moderate as you start off the day. That is great to see. We have that sea breeze pumping in that fresh air once again, helping to mix out all of the smoke. Into it. Another day to get out there and hopefully take advantage of this beautiful weather with those clear skies. As we go through the afternoon, those daytime highs are looking at high temperatures that are going to be at least a seasonal if not a little bit below average. As we go through our afternoon, daytime highs are in th
The Dora Franklin finley africanamerican heritage trail reveals 40 historical markers, from the former location of a slave market through the civil rights era. Previously, tour guide eric finley took us from the slave market to africa town founded by captives of the slave ship cl i clotilda. With mr. Finley describing how africanamericans established businesses on the north side of town. This is the first africanamerican mothrtuary in e state of alabama. They originally opened in the 1880s, and they built this building in the 1900s. The real story is mrs. Allen. She started a private school directly behind us in the 1880s, it was called Josephine Allen institute. Again in the 1800s, before the emancipation proclamation, it was against the law for africanamericans to be educated. After the emancipation proclamation schools started opening everywhere. She opened one to educate young africanamericans. This family actually came to mobile from virginia. They were somewhat elite, they had a
The Dora Franklin finley africanamerican heritage trail in mobile alabama includes over 40 Historical Markers the tell the history of the city from the former location of a slave market to the civil rights era. Previously unamerican artifacts, tour guide eric finley took us from the slave market to africatown, founded by captives of the slave ship clotilda. Up next on par to, we pick up the story after the civil war with mr. Finley describing how African Americans established build businesses on the north side of town. This is the first African American mortuary in the state of alabama. They originally opened in the 18 eighties and built this building in the 19 hundreds. The real story is mrs. Alan. She started a private school directly behind us in the 18 eighties. It was just called joseph fiend allen institute. Before the emancipation proclamation, that was against a lot for African Americans to be educated. After that, schools started opening everywhere. She opened one to educate y
I am sorry about that entrance. I wasnt doing it for theatrics but i do have a brandnew hip. [laughter] [applause] i love it. But the rest of the body hasnt caught up yet. [laughter] we go slow. Nobody is moderating us. We are just talking. We are talking about douglas and liberation . Absolutely. Let me start. To stop, i want other people to know about this. Im interested obviously in literacy. I am impressed with what i only recently discovered, which is this country is unique in the world in terms of the distribution distribution of libraries throughout the country. You cannot go in rural areas in europe or africa asia, rural areas and find libraries the way you can hear. Huge University Libraries that jump up out of nowhere in indiana or someplace. Pennsylvania, go for 100 miles and there it is. Enormous university with more books than cambridge. So its an extraordinary thing. The other thing is, something im interested in is on the one hand, the power of reading and of course, und