Sonu Sood News: In a heart-wrenching plea that went viral on X (formerly Twitter), Pallav Singh from Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh, shared the uphill battle he faces in arranging urgent heart surgery for his father at AIIMS, Delhi. Facing financial issues and the overwhelming burden of the public healthcare system, Pallav s emotional post caught the attention of actor-philanthropist Sonu Sood.
Sonu Sood recently demanded fixed monthly income for victims of Odisha train accident. Sonu Sood recently urged everyone to come forward and support the victims of Odisha train crash. aaa
Sonu Sood, the acclaimed actor and philanthropist, was the centre of attention at the 1st Convocation Ceremony of Apex University Jaipur, where he received the esteemed Honoris Causa for his noble work Sonu Sood Honored with Honoris Causa at Apex University s 1st Convocation in Jaipur, Inspiring Graduates to Create a Positive Impact.
After Sonu Sood saw the video of the child, he sent his team to Nawada to contact Chahumukhi s parents. With his initiative, Chahumukhi was taken to a private hospital in Surat for the surgery. The doctors have now carried out the surgery successfully. The entire expenses were borne by Sonu Sood.