INDIA New England News
By Siddhi Jain
New Delhi– From an in-depth read on ancient India’s rich economic history, to a quirky look at the Indian ‘arranged marriage drama’, and two compelling thrillers written by forthcoming Indian writers, these books will have you turning pages from the beginning of the year.
‘The Golden Bird 2.0’ by Raina Singhwi Jain
‘The Golden Bird 2.0’ draws from India’s rich past to take a fresh look at its potential for a glorious future a second golden age, shaped by the powerful public will, economic wherewithal, and the nation’s status as the world leader. What made ancient India the Golden Bird in the first place? What did China, the Land of the Dragon, have in common with India, and when did these two ancient civilizations diverge on their paths to global success? While colonisation pressed the brakes on India’s confidence and self-reliance, China emerged from imperialism with a clear vision for its future and stro