overnight at an oil company-owned resort lodge, after getting too hammered with oil and gas company employees to be allowed to drive themselves home. the oil and gas industry still produces its share of scandals, but since the bush administration, the scandals are a little bit sexy. i mean, in the literal sense that they re less about shtooping. a hearing today investigated federal loans given to a company called cylyndra. the awkwardness in that argument for the republicans is that the company was cleared to participate in this loan guarantee program by the george w. bush administration and the legislation creating the loan guarantee program was approved by the republican-controlled congress in 2005. that legislation creating the solyndra loan program was apr u
oil and gas company employees to be allowed to drive themselves home. the oil and gas industry still produces its share of scandals, but since the bush administration, the scandals are a little less sexy. i mean, in the literal sense that they re less about shtooping. a hearing today investigated federal loans given to a company called solyndra. the awkwardness in that argument for the republicans is that the company was cleared to participate in this loan guarantee program by the george w. bush administration and the legislation creating the loan guarantee program was approved by the republican-controlled congress in 2005. that legislation creating the solyndra loan program was approved by every single republicans on the committee. the only republicans on this
the oil and gas industry still produces its share of scandals, but since the bush administration, the scandals are a little bit sexy. i mean, in the literal sense that they re less about shtooping. a hearing today investigated federal loans given to a company called cylyndra. the awkwardness in that argument for the republicans is that the company was cleared to participate in this loan guarantee program by the george w. bush administration and the legislation creating the loan guarantee program was approved by the republican-controlled congress in 2005. that legislation creating the solyndra loan program was approved by every single republicans on the committee. the only republicans on this outraged committee who didn t vote for the, solydra program were the four that were not yet in congress when the vote was