that s basically what this president has done on a global basis. yes, it s a public trial. and the public will be able to see more and will be able to reach their own decisions. but in the end, it s our constitutional obligation, and i can do two things at once. i want to show you a quote from a congress, member of congress from michigan. who said this, brenda lawrence, democrat, said this. we re so close to an election, sitting here knowing how divided the country is, i don t see the value of taking him out of office, but i do see the value in putting down a marker saying his behavior is not certainly. you see people sort of, people who are actually listening to everything are torn on the election as opposed to this. are split in this. you have a democratic member in your own state, collin peterson, who didn t vote to go through the procedure. he s from a trump district. is that what you hear? let me talk about how i see this. yes, this is a legal impeachment proceeding. and it co
those processes started with a crime. under nixon it was the break in at watergate. they haven t laid out a crime here. they ve been hoping for 2 1/2 years there was a crime. mueller investigation no crime. they moved on to look for something else. they thought the phone call would yield something. the president released the transcript. you can see in the transcript there is no quid pro quo. zelensky, the other person on that call, said it was perfectly fine call and in fact he appreciated the call from president trump and he got the money that he was seeking and he got the javelin missiles he was seeking as well. bill: what do you think the story will be in the public hearings? if you were predict today based on the transcripts and interviews you ve been a part what will the american people hear? i think you are going to hear some career bureaucrats who don t support president trump s agenda who didn t vote for the president. in fact, all the accounts we
manufacturing jobs back and make america great again for many of those rust belt voters who felt forgotten. here s the thing. he hasn t delivered for many of them, who he has actually delivered for is the corporate class, the investor class, who didn t vote for him last time around. so that portion of trump s base that he hasn t delivered for, are they now up for grabs? and is there a democrat who could take him? i would certainly argue so, stephanie. those voters that you talk about, i don t think those voters are ardent trump supporters because those are people who did vote for president obama twice. but because of an emotional appeal that donald trump was able to make to those voters based on the premise of you expected certain things out of the previous administration. those things weren t delivered on such as returning those manufacturing jobs. i promise i will deliver on those things. so i think those voters are movable. i think someone like a joe biden who has a history with t
you as you a republican here. i wanted to ask you is that a good strategy in the president says in the midterm elections we need to hammer the democrats and he says republicans need to tie all the democrats who didn t vote for the tax cut plan to nancy pelosi. good plan? absolutely. let s be clear here. nancy crumbs pelosi has an approval rating languishing in the 20 s and 2010, $50 million was spent by republicans tying democrats to nancy. nancy is the face of the democratic party. she is the person who still wants to shut down the government for illegal immigrants, putting the american citizens needs aside. nancy pelosi is a face of the democratic party. can i promise you. this the rnc is tying every democrat to her coming up in the mid terms. ainsley: jamila, the democrats are criticized a lot for the same old same old. nancy pelosi has been a leader for the democrats for a very long time. some people say new fresh blood needs to come in. what did you make? what were you talking
resolution be for hillary clinton? kyle on facebook says i want her to try to run again so trump can have an easy victory yet again. lisa: one more from avril. she says hillary clinton needs to take pointers from us women who didn t vote for her in 2007 or 2016. pete: listen to them because she didn t address what they were looking for. lisa: she really made it the center point point. women care about issues outside of just playing that gender card. pete: also helped if she went to wisconsin one time. voters live there, too. lisa: we are being told we need to move on. jillian. pete: keep emailing us lisa: jillian, what else is going on out there? jillian: there is a lot going on. panicked somers sent running for their lives after gunshots ring out right outside a memphis mall. [screams]