we say exactly we need better teachers. part-time concerned about the concerns in their neighborhood whether they have kids in them or not. we have kids come to school. you can t force parents to be responsible. that s always where it breaks down. that s a leadership issue. you know, obviously you can t. there is many factors that go into it this is a collective problem. i understand that solution isn t pouring more money in it. killing them. he they can t pay any more taxes. if you look at some of the schools in our impoverished neighborhoods. make special schools. i m for that you can t raise any more fax taxes on the folks. i went over this last night the. i hope you saw it you can t tax the folks anymore. i will cut the payroll tax. fine. raise the tolls in new york city to $14. okay? you can t do it anymore. everybody is up to here. this bricks me to your gasoline
$527 million from the feds and then declared bankruptcy. where is that money? also the department of energy says about $20 billion have been loaned to green companies with very few jobs being created. in fact, the massive loan package averages out to $5 million for each new permanent job. isn t that nice? add that to the fact that al gore continues to make huge money from the green industry. we are pleased to present lou dobbs to sort it all out for us. let s start with solyndra. so here we have, as i said earlier in the program, i believe the obama administration is going to say it was fraud. that these guys told us x. they knew it was going down the drain. we believed them. we will prosete them. that s why the fbi is in there. it s not our fault enron go get them. support of that view and with a bit of a twist. one of the top officials testifying before the house energy committee for the obama administration tried to blame
we say exactly we need better teachers. part-time concerned about the concerns in their neighborhood whether they have kids in them or not. we have kids come to school. you can t force parents to be responsible. that s always where it breaks down. that s a leadership issue. you know, obviously you can t. there is many factors that go into it this is a collective problem. i understand that solution isn t pouring more money in it. killing them. he they can t pay any more taxes. if you look at some of the schools in our impoverished neighborhoods. make special schools. i m for that you can t raise any more fax taxes on the folks. i went over this last night the. i hope you saw it you can t tax the folks anymore. i will cut the payroll tax. fine. raise the tolls in new york city to $14. okay? you can t do it anymore. everybody is up to here. this bricks me to your gasoline
huffingtonpost.com blog. thanks for your time. my pleasure. thank you. you think the solution isn t discussed right now. what are they doing wrong, and what do you believe is right way forward? well, i ve argued that for quite a long time that the democratic party has to put forward a comprehensive new economic package, some of which president obama suggested that takes advantage of the one thing that america is superior at, and that s inonovation and invent sh discovery if we do that we provide refr news to reduce the budget deficit and people back back to work. back to long term fixes, you refer to the need of the government to stimulate a cascade of innovation. that would not be cheap, so the question is, how do we spur that innovation as the country is trying to recovery economically?
bing l, the former chief of staff of border protection. what did we get for our investment, thad? is. well, jon, people shouldn t view this as a cancellation in any way of putting technology out of the border. a lot of the technology that s out there and has been put out there and will continue to be put out there was not part of this project under boeing. what did we get? we did get some towers with the sensors and some integration in those 53 miles, but a lot of it you can t necessarily see. a lot of it was the software development and research and development that went into the back end of that program of learning how to integrate those sensor feeds, learning how to display them in a common operating picture. so it s not all money down drain. in fact, a lot of this will be used going forward. jon: but didn t we learn that it doesn t work? we learned that it does have problems and a tower-based solution isn t applicable everywhere along the border. many of the miles are different