The clearest call for independence up to the summer of 1776 came in Philadelphia on June 7. On that date in session in the Pennsylvania State House (later Independence Hall), the Continental Congress heard Richard Henry Lee of Virginia read his resolution beginning: "Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be,The clearest call for independence up to the summer of 1776 came in Philadelphia on June 7. On that date in session in the Pennsylvania State House (later Independence Hall), the Continental Congress heard Richard Henry Lee of Virginia read his resolution beginning: "Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, ยป The FINANCIAL America
(Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing series marking the 250th anniversary of Westmoreland County’s founding.) The first Westmoreland County seat, Historic Hanna’s Town, has been recreated at its original site through the efforts of historians and archaeologists. It’s a testament to Robert Hanna, who founded the town and
(Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing series marking the 250th anniversary of Westmoreland County’s founding.) Signs of one of Westmoreland County’s 18th century founding fathers still can be viewed by those who know where to look. A township in the northeastern corner of the county was named for