have been shot in the circumstance where he was shot. you have to look at the whole context. walter what do you think about that? if the issue is that police officer driving and he gets too close and he creates this sense for the officer in the passenger side that he feels like deadly force is nescessarynecessary, where does that leave us in a case like this? well, first of all, driving a police cruiser off road like that onto a playground is unlawful. that s not a street. and that s a crime. so the tact that was taken at that time was created by an unlawful situation. and if you look at the brelo decision the judge went through some great length to describe how and the prosecution went on to talk about getting on the hood of a car is contrary to the idea of safety. well, in this instance why wouldn t mr. loman get out of the car? and then before we get back, before we even get to the day at the park there s an indictment against the city for hiring
mr. loman in the first place. he was unfit to be a police officer. he should have never been hired. and that is another key point that the justice department focused on about the hiring and the examination of these individuals who we give a gun and authorize to use deadly force in appropriate circumstances. but you know the real issue is the perception of danger when it comes to african-americans as opposed to any other group. and there are study after study that would indicate african-americans present and pose a greater danger and in simulations, they re quicker to be shot than other individuals. real quick, to you, david, do you think these reforms will work? i do not know but i would like to say that the other guest is just wrong in terms of his summary of the research. the best research shows that in fact there isn t racial bias in terms of shooting decisions, but we can take that up at another point. i m a little bit dubious of the effect this consent degree would
on campus, or the university give up their federal funding. so i think a more appropriate response might have been to follow the law. i think it s something we re going to look into at the committee. because the decision was apparently made that we ll take our chances by not allowing the recruiters. but they did have access to students with other veterans groups associateded with campus do you think as some republicans have suggested that she has radical views about the military, or do you think that s an overstatement and unfair? look, i don t know. all we know is the issue with regard to the soloman commitment. let me turn to the issue of the bp oil spill. the president was angry after the appearance by ceos on capitol hill, including the ceo of bp.
into this other worldly experience for the audience. it was really fun actually. larry: sigourney, you re used to science fiction. aliens previously. used to james cameron. is acting acting or is science fiction different? i guess i don t really think of these stories. i ve done five now. the four alien movies and this one. and to me, they re great stories. a lot about character and adventure and courage and survival. being smart and going for it. to me i don t really think of them as science fiction. they do take place in the future. they do take place in another world. i guess i grew up reading stories like this, you know. king soloman s mines and things like that.
king soloman s mines and things like that. i guess i just think of them as great classical stories and they happen to take place in the future. so i think they re cool to do as well as to watch. larry: i tell you who would have loved this. one of the most creative people i have ever known or heard about, your late great grandfather peter weaver. he would have loved this. i think he would have been blown away by the experience of seeing avatar and how how ambitious it is and how satisfying it is as a movie, as an entertainment, as an experience, frankly. but thank you. that s sweet of you. larry: thanks, sigourney. my pleasure. larry: what was it like to work with her, jim? sig nourny is well, first of all, she s a little humble there talking about the acting