The Delhi High Court on Tuesday adjourned hearing on the pleas by two Kashmiri separatists Sofi Fehmeeda and Asiya Andrabi against National Investigation Agency (NIA) for seizure of their car and house in Jammu and Srinagar cities, .
New Delhi, Feb 28: The Delhi High Court on Tuesday adjourned hearing on the pleas by two Kashmiri separatists Sofi Fehmeeda and Asiya Andrabi against National Investigation Agency (NIA) for seizure of their car and house in Jammu and Srinagar cities, respectively. On the request of the counsel for appellants, the court adjourned the matter for April 26. Last year, the agency had opposed the appeal moved by Andrabi and others, saying it was established that premises have been used […]
The Delhi High Court on Monday deferred hearing the pleas by two Kashmiri separatists, Sofi Fehmeeda and Asiya Andrabi against the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for seizure of their car and house, respectively in Jammu and Kashmir's .
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday opposed the appeal moved by Kashmiri Separatist Asiya Andrabi and others against the seizure/attachment of t
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has opposed the appeal moved by Kashmiri Separatist Asiya Andrabi and others against the seizure and attachment of their