Translating the values of the fifth amendment to the modern age. The fifth amendment, concerned about thought crimes, not exerting psychological pressure. He ended by quoting my hero about how government is the omnipotent teacher and you can see that in his letter he thought the court has to be a shining emblem for what Human Dignity needs. We heard the chief justice you can do the best job you could in the context of the law. Time will affect decisions. Youre suggesting its time for us to rethink the technology i think it is. I think miranda could be updated and could be more effective. There were at the love people thinking about this and hopefully, we can all come together and try to think about things like body cameras, video taping and interrogations. Other things that would update miranda. Thanks to both of you for being here tonight on our 11 of 12 cases in the landmark cases series. We appreciate your insight from the miranda case. Thank you so much for being in our audience to
The ice bucket challenge bringing in 94 million for the als foundation. Tonight, a closer look at the fundraising and how that money will be spent. Tonight, at least three americans are still held captive in syria and iraq by the Islamic State group. One of them is a journalist named steven satla. His mother made a desperate plea to get him back. Roxanna suberry reports. In this emotional please, she address did the leader of the Islamic State group asking him to let her son come home. The kalif can grant amnesty. I ask you to please release my child. In this video released to news organizations, she calls her son an honorable man who always tried to help the weak. Steven is a journalist who travels to the miss easts to cover the suffering of muslims at the hands of turkrants. They kept his capty secret even from close friends. A source close to the family told al jazeera they thought if they publicized his case, those in the Islamic State group would kill him. They showed the executio
Appointment . I think 8 15 on tuesday is the time to go because its not monday. Its not the end of the week. 8 15 he probably hasnt gone to bed. You know he has had his dinner. So i knock on the door, he opens it and he looks at me and he says, are you still doing this [ applause ] i didnt say anything because i knew he was sincere. He looked at me and got a disappointed look on his face and then he kind of went, come on in. Sat for two hours and answered not all but most of the question. Why . Because someone showed up and said i want to listen to your account of what occurred. He went from a firm no to maybe. 2 seconds to a yes in one second just because somebody was there. Whats the lesson . I dont know what you do but if i want to find out and you wont talk, im going to be knocking at your door even at 71 years of age. [ applause ] i want to say this is the most fun ive had in ages. Thanks to all of you. Bob, ken, carl, elizabeth. This has been just absolutely terrific event thanks
Red taurus and took off. A lookout was put out for those suspects and several miles away on the Fairfax County parkway, a Fairfax County officer saw the car that everyone was looking for, was able to pull it over. We do have pictures now of one of the suspects in that car. They pulled the car over. They discovered that the passenger, one of the suspects was suffering from gunshot wounds. Were told he was shot maybe as many as four times on the saep by one of those armored truck drivers. The driver, the other suspect, was taken into custody without he did not fight back at the scene. The injured suspect was fwloun to the hospital where were told he has lifethreatening injuries. As you can see from our video there the other suspect taken into custody over on the Fairfax County parkway. Vots on the scene trying to piece together what happened here. Joining me the sloushg sheriff mike chapman. This is very unusual for Loudoun County particularly here in this area. It is. In the entire time