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How boulders in at the time valley, manage to move across the dessert. The crisis in ukraine, took an ominous turn. Russian forces have entered south eastern ukraine, in what one of the countrys military leaders call add full scale invasion, nato says at least 1,000 troops are now in ukraine. President obama says the u. S. Military will not get involved. We are not taking military action to solve the problem. What we are doing is to mobilize the international community, to apply pressure on russia. Al jazeera has more from south eastern ukraine. The evidence is mounting and for the first time, the word invasion is being used at the highest political levels. In brussells nato officials released satellite imagery, as evidence of artillery pieces and the Russian Military column on the move. The Prime Minister has urged the council and the European Union to act with the highest urgency. We can confirm, that Russian Military boats are on the ukrainian ground. Ukrainian forces are capable to cope with the led gorillas. But this is quite difficult for us to fight with russia. And its army. For the first time, the volment of regular forces has also been effectively confirmed. By the separatist leader in donetsk. Among volunteers from russia, there have always been many retired military servicemen. They fight alongside us, understanding that this is their duty. Moreover, i will be even more frank with you, there are currently serving soldiers among us who prefer to spend their vacations but among us. Waiting to meet those soldiers outside the city, are ukrainian reenforcements. The forces are reenforcing around the city tempting to stem the advance of the forces which are down that road there, but at this particular check point, for example, there are just four soldiers. And they complain that they are hope leslie outgunned by the opposition they face. What does that mean . We are counting the hours. Two days minimum, it will be destroyed. But this is a conflict with victims on both sides and footage emerging shows how Ukrainian Army efforts to dislodge the separatists there with shelling are taking a heavy toll on the civilian population. Paul paren then, al jazeera. So lets take a closer look at the area where all of this is happening. Jonathan best is here. This is a fairly big development, because recently most of the fighting have been around the citys in the east, and this dark red area here. But nato today said russia opened a new frontier, in south eastern ukraine. Already, rebels have taken the town right here on the coast, of ukraine, and the only way they could have reached it was coming through russia nearby. It is a small resort town, but it is important, because it lies along a major highway, connecting russia. To crimea, which only russia took back in march. Now if you give them control over the spire sea, hats off. Including the fast and mineral rights this sea contains. Yeah, that would be important. Thank you, al jazeera is in moss cow now, with more on the response to ukraines allegations. Well, without a formal response from kiev, that rush are shas involved in an invasion, of the ukraine, Russian Parliament said this is just sheer disinformation, issue add blanket denial, and said that troops are not, and never have been on the ground inside ukraine. There was once game of light, where the senior staff met today for consultations about trying to come up with some sort of prisoner exchange. They both hold prisoners from each arrases armies but all this will not give any sort of encouragement, to europe, where red flags have been flying all day. President in marris, said we are facing the worst crisis since the end of the cold war. So the u. N. Is condemning the peace keepers by an armed group, they were taken from the side of the heights today. The state department condemned the on going violence. A number of groups have been fighting the government for control of the area. The smoke of the battle between the rebel groups is very close. On thursday, 43 u. Peace keepers were taken hostage by some of the arms groups in the area, a day after armed rebels including al quaida afill sate, took over the only Border Crossing between syria and israel, from the syrian army. Our understanding is that they are now in the southern part of the area of separation. There are further 81 that are having their movement restricted. In the vicinity. Clashes continue throughout the day. Between the syrian army and the armed groups, making it more difficult for the u. N. To verify what exactly happened along the boarder, or to continue their patrols along it. This video apparently shows the Army Soldiers cheating for the state group, forced to do it. Because they are prisoners of the i. S. The syrian observatory says dozens were later executed, at least 120 have been executed in the past 24 hours. The soldiers were captures after the i. S. Took over a Government Air base following intense battles. More than 500 people were killed during that fight. The Islamic State has been gaining more territory in syria by the day, in the past week, from Government Forces or from other groups. Such video seems to serve the group as it spreads fear among its enemies as itnt cos to advance on the ground. Al jazeera, beirut. Well, the u. N. Started monitoring the heights, thats when syria and israel agreed to a cease fire, more on the u. N. s role on this narrow strip of land. Tony, the u. N. Has been trying to keep the peace for the past four decades. It now has more than 1200 peace keepers and the work is becoming more and more dangerous. The members of the Security Council, demanded the unconditional and Immediate Release of all of the detained United Nations peace keepers. Israel sees the goal and hides from syria, in the 1967 war. Syria tries to retake it in 1973, the next year, the two countries agreed to a cease fire. U. N. Peace keepers have been monitoring that agreement, ever since. Today, there are more than 1200 of them, they come from fiji, the philippines, that pap, ireland and the netherlands. The mission has been perilous, 54 u. N. Troops have died since 1974. And now as the syrian war has spilled into the heights several countries including austria and japan have pulled out their peace keepers. The philippines decided it would leave too. Peace keepers have come under attack all over the world, more than 100 were killed last year. Critics say peace keepers are too lightly armed and not prepared to confront armed groups. Appreciate it, thank you. And the u. N. Security council says there were more than 1,000 death and injuries last month alone, violence by the state group and other fighters is putting humanitarian operations at risk. Isil, are advancing towards the Border Crossings. Along the main access routs in syria. This could threaten the additional cross boarder operations authorized under Security Council resolution 2165. Before the First Time Since the war began three years ago. President obama says the pentagon is looking at options for the u. S. In dealing with the Islamic State group, he is meeting with a national Security Council tonight. Have done nothing to diminish the groups power bases in syria, libby casey is live for us now, and libby, we heard from the president earlier, are we getting a better sense of what the administration is planning . Well, the president said six words that are getting a lot of attention, we dont have a strategy yet. His critics are pouping on that, the white house doesnt know what to do to combat the Islamic State fighters. But the white house is trying to clarify the statement, Officials Says look, this retts to what to do about syria, and whether or not air strikes are a viable option in syria. White house Officials Say the news was gaining its own steam, and making it sound like strikes may be eminent, and says no decisions have been made yet. Instead he is talking about a broader based approach. That does involve some military action, potentially, but also a political component, economic component, and we look at the politics the white house and the president , say that iraq is going to be key to this, the president focusing on the stablization of the iraqi government, and winning over sunnies. Who mr. Obama says will be crucial, in trying to win other the hearts and minds and get people in iraq against the Islamic State. As ivied, rooting out will not be quick or easy, but i am confident that we can and will. Our joints chief of staff to prepare a range of optionsly be meeting with my Security Council tonight as we continue to develop that strategy, i have been consulting with members of congress, and i will continue to do so in the days ahead. Libby, how does Congress Factor into this. Well, the president says everything he has done so far, authorizing limited air strikes offering humanitarian aid, does fall within his abilities as the commander in chief. But he did say he will go to congress, if it looks like military force in syria, becomes closer to a reality. He saidly consult with congress, because i want the American People to have a say. A lot of members of congress are clammoring for a say in this, we are hearing republicans as well as democrats say they want a debate. And they wants a chance to vote. Theres always a political calculist, a vote right before the midterm elections cause raise a lot of complicated political questions something that members are no doubt considering as well. Libby, good to see you, thank you. 2000 days after a cease fire was announced families are returning to their homes nor the first time. Speaking from exile, in doha. It was 24 hours after the israeli Prime Minister has also claimed victory, both leaders, using the sort of ore tear not necessarily, you would hear in a peace deal. Fighting talk, really, so a longer address here, another political claim do victory and an indicator in a massive job ahead, in reaching an agreement, when they finally get down to issues. During the war, hamas rounded up people they said were collaborating with israel. While others await their fate, in solitary confinement. Exclusive access to the Central Prison where the suspected informants are held. Where men suspected of collaborating with israel were held. The exclusive access which is under strict protocol. Responsible for the inmates he tells me they are kept isolated for their own safety, because if others knew of their crimes they could be killed. We cover their faces with a hood. The inmates were instructed not to speak to us. Bub we were told they all deny the charges against them. Days weeks and even years in these one by twometer cells. Before they face a revolutionary court, who will decide their fate. Hamas executes 18 suspected israeli informants. Seven were killed publicly on this Street Corner in gaza city, it was the largest number of suspected collaborators killed in a single day, since it took control of the strip in 20007. The single biggest strike against the arms wing since fighting began. And its leaders have made it clear, that anyone suspected of working with israel, would also be punished. The family of one of the men buried him quickly, and without the usual rights. Worried about being recognized they wanted our camera crew to leaf. But insists he was wrongly accused. My brother is innocent. Our lawyers say all the charges were false. This is all a propaganda. Styes through money, other times through blackmail, or by intimidating family members. And while these men deny have any ties with israeli officials, the mere suspicion is how most ended up here. At the gaza Central Prison. In israel, a body found in Jerusalem Forest there is believed to be the missing student from new jersey. Aaron sofer was last seen hiking near the area last friday. An intense i serj has been underway, israeli officials would not say whether they found any signs of foul play. An activist group has filed a lawsuit against the Ferguson Police department. Now the lawsuit from the group black lawyers for justice claim as heavily Armored Police force violated protestors human and civil rights, those protests broke out after the death of unarmed black teen michael brown. And coming up, the fbi investigating a hacking attack, on Jpmorgan Chase, and at least four other banks. That can leave your account drained of all its cash. Why the president may be preparing to make immigration renorm happen. Investigators say targeted targeted Jpmorgan Chase and a series of coordinated attacks. Authorities still dont know what kind of information they were able to access. The chairman of the House Committee says the attacks were very sophisticated. 68 days until the midterm election, and congress are now on a collision course that could fund mentally alter the fall campaigns. David chutedder is here to explain, david . White house officials and democrats on capitol hill, say that president obama is now planning to act on immigration reform, lawmakers say the president will use the executive authority to take steps that may include gransing citizen ship, to 5 million illegal immigrants. The bran suffered serious damage after the last government shut down, on immigration reform, Republican House speaker has refused to bring up a bill, that pass the senate. So white house officials, are now convinced that taking executive action even if it infuriates republicans is the way to go. It continues to be my believe, if i cant see action, i need to continue to do at least what i can, in order to make the system work better. The rhetoric from some republicans is already off the charts. If the president yields his pen, and legalize i think it is nearly political nuclear. Any move towards impeachment would cause Serious Problems in key senate races. On the other hand, midterm elections are all about enthusiasm, and nothing fires up the base more than anger at president obama. Strategists on both parties say this is the confrontation to watch, and that the outcome of the midterms hangs in the balance. In pennsylvania, the governors race, in that state now involved charges of sekism. I think a lot of people want to be able to walk into a grocery store, particularly a lot of women want to go and buy a bottle of wine for dinner, a six pack, buy dinner, and go home. Rather than what i just described is at least three stops. His next stop will likely be out of office. Two years ago he said women who dont like being forced to get an ultrasound when getting an abortion, should just close their eyes. The challengeser beating corbett by 20 points. A new book, detailing some of the sexism, off the lines, People Magazine according to People Magazine, he describes working out in the congressional gym when an older male colleague told her good thing you are working out because you wouldnt want to get porkky. She also describes dropping 50 pounds post pregnancy, and having another senator squeeze her stomach and say dont lose too much weight now, i like my girls chubby. She is unfortunately refusing to identify the senators. One of those conservative fund raisers and donors has just done the a. L. S. Ice bucket challenge, billionaire charles coke along with his brother, is pouring nearly 300 million into this election, members of the Wichita State basketball team, have the honor of pouring ice water and then throwing him in his pool. Watch. They need to help us win this. Lets do it. How do you feel. I feel like i am going to throw you in the pool. Come on. Good for them, but you know, tony, the 100 million that a. L. S. Has raised now, thats still only one third of what the coke brothers are pouring into this election. Bad perspective. All right. Thank you. Nfl players guilty of multiple incidents of domestic violence, could now be banished from the league, commissioner roger gadell introduced the new rules today. First time offenders will be twoed for six weeks. But players have a chance to appeal the decision after one year. Coming up, after ukraines president accused russia of invading its country, how they are trying to avoided an all out war. Was thousand children sexually exploited in the same town. The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis in ukraine, the meeting was called that russian trooped had entered the eastern part of the country. Simon mcgregor wood has more reaction to the allegations. Moving inside, southeast ukraine. Claims the but they are only the tip of the ice burg, in movements. Condemnation of the military, has been swift and widespread. A german leader, known for her once close relationship with Vladimir Putin called him on wednesday night, to demand an immediate explanation. In paris, on thursday morning, it would intolerable for troops to cross into ukraine. Rush are sha must control its border, and of course, if it is proved that russian soldiers are present in ukrainian territory, that would be intolerable, and unacceptable. If russia does not, there should be further consequences. The union is threatening to increase its sanctions, Global Stock Markets have fallen in reaction to the latest developments. As the fighting escalates natos members are increasingly nervous. Polands foreign minister accused of aggression. And once the west is supplied these soldiers with better weapons. Where russias actions have already led to plans to a presence in eastern europe. As one source said, Simon Mcgregor wood. For more on this, lets bring in former ambassador to ukraine, he is a Vice President ambassador, good to see you. President obama stopped short of calling actions in ukraine, and invasion. What is your reaction to the lets call it to ukraine news cycle over the last 48 hours. Well, its clearly an invasion. When you see that level of troops, that level of equipment. That level of supplies that are going in to ukraine, from russia, and has been well documented that they come across the border and they are very fist skated, we are not talking about here or there, we are talking about sophisticated that tame a long time to train. This is clearly an invasion, that must be responded to by the west. The west must spotted to this invasion, in several ways. Well, ambassador, why is the president reluctant. And why is is the chancellor reluctant to call it an invasion. Theres no reason not to, its clearly an invasion, when they invade one side or the other. What is done in response is even more important. So if you call it an invasion, doesnt that make it a course of action. You dont have to follow a set course, does that make sense . As to the reason are why you dont call it an invasion. I think what we are hearing from both president obama, and mrs. Miracle, and president aland, is that there are next steps, there are consequences to this, invasion, whatever they want to call it, they are indicating, they are signaling that these are coming. I understand that more sanctions are being prepared right now. Okay, all right, so lets be clear, president and chancellor merkel agree that russia is responsible the violence of ukraine, whether you call it an invasion or not, the u. N. Security council has met a number of times 24 times trying to reign in rush are sha and ukraine, and as the ambassador Samantha Power said today, russia is not listening so here is the question, what are the u. N. , nato, germany, the e. U. Prepares to do to get their attention, more sanctions . Will that get their attention . That cant be the only thing that the west does. In addition to greater sanctions on their energy, on their defense, on their financial sectors. The weapons that the ukrainians are of course aing for need to be supplied. The ukrainian military, needs support in terms of training, intelligence, and weapons. He that will weapons in order to defend their own territory. Okay, so what is your reaction to just trying to see this from the other side. Russia claims that all of this talk and invasion, is a distraction, it is designed to take attention from away from kievs lack of progress, including an inclusive government, to ignore the trambling of humanitarian law, by using phosphorus bomb, shelling humanitarian areas. What do you think of the push back from russia. Nothing. It is rubbish. We know that one side in this dispute has lied to us. Mr. Putin said, to mr. Pressure on russiaish shanko, a couple of days ago that he had nothing to do, that the rush ares had nothing to do with the disruption with the conflict. Even as his troops are going across the border, so you cannot listen to the russian propaganda, even the leaders. So what do you expect to come out of the trip to europe, next week including a stop to nato headquarters . Two things, one, president will reassure nato allies that the United States will support them, will defend them. If they are threatened by russian attacks, russian hybrid warfare, russian aggression. Nato members are eager to get that reassurance, i think the reassurance is beginning to come. Thats the first thing. The second thing, as president obama will meet who will be there as a partner of nato, and nato will have a meeting. To discuss how the alliance, can respond to this aggression. So the president has a range of options and a range of discussions in order to pursue those. William taylor is the Vice President of the u. S. Institute of peace in washington, ambassador, good to talk to you, thank you for your time. Good to talk to you. Well, the hunt for the missing Malaysian Airline may be expanded further south. It is analyzing two Satellite Phone calls both calls were made after the jet moved out of civilian and military radar range. The plane appears to have turned south earlier than thought. Australia and malaysia will share the price tag for the search, which begins in three weeks. In turkey, police use tier gas to disburse around 200 protestors angry after it was sworn in as president. The former Prime Minister says he will expand the role of the presidency, which is usually a ceremonial post, last month he won turkeys first direct president ial vote, and in the united kingdom, outrage over the handling of large scale child sexual abuse in a single town. Between 1997, and 2003. 1400 reported child abuse cases. And an independent report found local authorities ignored the problem, lawrence lee traveled to the town and has this report. What happened here is another level entirely. It was the exploitation of 1400 young people, mostly poor white girls but boys as well. And when the authorities were told about it, they buried the evidence. Local politician the police, social workers, all accused of willful negligence. This man still has the documents as well as the scars. He reported to the police being dragged into a shed, and being abused by a middle aged man, the police seemed to believe him, yet they made no arrest. It isnt even as though it is a very big place, but hundreds and hundreds of young people, were being systematically sexually abused that many people must have known all about it, and yet the authorities did absolutely nothing. The issues raised from all this, are being viewed as a national disvase. But the bigger really alarming story is the growing fear, that this has been happening all over the country. A full inquiry, lets get this cancer out. Destroys. Everything. And it has all my life. As if to reenforce that point, she fought off her grief to describe what had happened to her, she said she had been gang raped when she was seven, not here, but in britains second city birmingham, she come here in solidarity. I know that i had to be here. To speak out for in the media they say 1400, but it wouldnt surprise me if it was at least three tiles that amount. And they just havent had the courage or the support or you know, they probably just wanted to ferret about it. The really big question is this, if those in charge of protecting children have been failing them, then who else is there . Lawrence lee. Well, the wife of one of the jailed journalists in egypt, has just given birth to their third child. This shows his son, with his grandfather. In it he says i was always fighting for the truth in my career, and that was not easy. Whatever it takes keep looking for the truth, and never be afraid of it. Peter guess that have been in prison now for 234 days they have been convicted by an egyptian court, the Network Denies all accusations and continues to demand their release. Search efforts are underway for the pilot of a military jet that crashed. That story and other headlines making news across america. Ground teams are coming through western virginia searching for the pilot, he went missing after his fighter jet crashed yesterday morning. Died of he that will drugs and not a heart attack. The state department of Public Safety said all three execution drugs were found throughout his system. Oklahoma put executions on hold after the inmate gasped for several minutes after his execution. Surfers widing huge waves nor the third day in a row, these are up to 16 feet, and they are crashing down and around the pierre, surfers are hoping to catch them in spite of warnings from life guards. The massive swells are the as a result of hurricane marie turning, one life guard ended up in the pacific ocean. But people who work there anticipated the destruction, and reare moved the computers and equipment beforehand. And a pennsylvania woman is working hard to make sure kids get to school safely. She has been a crossing guard for 40 years. Oh come on. Every morning at 8 00 a. M. , and every day at 3 00, she helps kids cross main street. They see me standing there, they smile, and i get a hug, and their parents will wave to me. Its just nice. I get a hug. Just about every day, almost knocks me down in the street, and they all quite a few girls come up and give me a hug, and say they love me, and call me grandma. She turned 90 in october, she says she like to continue as a Lawrence Park crossing guard for many more school years. She says she is even suffering broken bones on the job. Doing the job. Broken ankles wrist and also her shoulder. Wow. She fell on the ice once. Okay. Says that has not held her back. How good is that right. Doesnt that make you feel food. Back later. I sure am. A new warning, why Health Experts say the outbreak could grow six times worse before it gets better, also, for decades scientists wonder how 100pound boulders were moving across the death valley dessert, now the mystery has been solved. The World Health Organization now says more than 20,000 people could fall ill, that is six times more than the current number of infections. Robert for us now from the cdc headquarters in atlanta. The outbreak is spreading in west africa, the head of the centers for disease control, speaking in liberia, says there is need for urgent action. The world has never seen a outbreak like this, i wish i didnt have to say this, but it is going to get worse before it gets better this morning we are learning that congo is the latest country forced to deal with the crisis, a total of 24 suspected cases have been identified there, including 13 people who have died. The Congo Health Ministry believes it is a different strain, than the one spreading through other countries. The respect for this countries. They tend to move across without anybody being able to control them. In monrovia, the capitol, the disease has devastated the healthcare system. Hospitals are closed, clinics are closed. Some of them have reopened, but they are afraid to go back, because they are afraid to get the disease. All areas, all areas of the city, today, have people dieing and people getting six every day. Al jazeera. Well, next week. Experiment stall vaccine, the institute of health will tested on 20 Adult Volunteers to see if it is safe. Appear to glide across the bed. They leave a trail of evidence behind them, but no explanation as to what moves them. Until now. Al jazeera is live for us in san francisco, all right, go ahead, explain the bigamistry. How do these rocks move, please . I know, it seems silly, to be talking about rocks on t. V. , but it is one of these things that drives scientist crazy. Well, it turns out, they basically are theres a very rare combination of circumstances that has to come together, a very thin layer of ice has to form, then crack apart in the morning sun, that acts as a sort of sail, the individual pieces of ace, bear with me, create a sail, which then push these rocks across a slick mud base. And it only happens incredibly rarely, there have been all kind of theories they thought it was u. F. O. , or sprite coming out of the ground at night, in the end it turns out it is ice, mud, and this have very particular combination. Well, how on earth did they figure this one out . Is. Well, researchers from the scripts institute, and u. C. San diego basically got together, they sort of butched into one another at the same site and said hey, lets figure it out, they attached g. P. S. Units to fake rocks. They werent allowed to play around with the real rock, because they said dont mess with the natural environment, they put their own rocks down, figured out how they would move, and then slowly they got super lucky, and filmed it at the exact moment, and got a time lapse. This feels like a Pretty Simple explanation. So why did it take so long to figure it out . Is. Its just has to do with the incredibly rare combination of climactic events. In h december when this was shot they got super super lucky. Super super lucky. I think i like the u. F. O. Story better. Thats next week. Coming up, employees and customers fought the big guy and won. Thats next, and then it is real money with ali velshi. Coming up, what burger kings planned move to canada says about americas tax system, i will tell you what we can do about it, plus, how tiny apartments can create huge issues for the neighborhood. All that and more on real money. So beware of slimiers and menacing marshmallow men. It is National Ghost busters day. The 30th anniversary of the release of the movie. It was nominated for two oscars and earned more than 200 million. And now, it is returning to the big screen. Theaters across the country, are offing the film on a limited basis. Top stars from the global movie industry are in venice for the italian stills annual film festival, 20 films are competing for the main prize. Reports now from venice. The sun is out, and the stars are too, especially those trying to revive struggling careers here, case in point, michael keaton, his career may not be lifeless, but his character certainly is. The tail of an actor who once played a purer hero now struggles to guest past. This is the movie here, the crowd puller. But the winner, maybe. Depends on what the jury thinks. You know anything can be the subject of a movie. Even the traffic. A busy road. Seemingly came from nowhere. It swept right under the critics noses and it took that big prize, the golden lion on the last night. Thats one of the things about the venice film festival, yes, it has the red carpet, blue skies celebrities the tradition, but beneath that, there is this real fondness for edgy films, for cinema that challenges. And it is supposed to say that variety that makes this not 71 years old, but very much 71 years young. There are themes that come up again and again, tell us why war is so popular with the festival . Well, screen quiters need conflict to make good drama, and where to go i dont think it will stop any time soon. Difficult to second guess, as you say, it is a mixed bag this year. We have an indian righter, a french music composer, it could go any way this year. I know critics dont like to be tied down, just give us a hint . What do you think may take the golden lion . A documentary won last year, theres another one this competition this year. The look of silence, which is a follow uhm the again side in indonesia in the mid 60s, i put my money on that. And thats what they will take home, the golden lion, it is going to be a very busy, a very excited ten days here. Al jazeera, at the venice film festival. So it is a case of taking on Corporate America and winning. A six week stand off between management of a massachusets super market chain, and thousands of its employees now, over the former chief of Market Basket, we are talking about Arthur Teague is back in control after buying the entire company from his family members over a month ago, his ouster prompted massive protests and boycotts. In a speech today he thanks employees for their passion and loyalty. It was your voices, the radio, television, and the newspaper print, to further this insurgence. And in that ad, you display to everyone the unwaiverring dedication, and desire to protect the culture of your company. He says Market Basket will be back to normal in act ten days. Social media lit up with messages when employeeees and customers heard that arthur was coming back. Yes, tony, these are some of the images that people have been posting. Workers restocking parishbles, customers inside the store, customers also posting bags of what they bought in the stores today. Even this cake, with arthurs face on it. Nice. And i spoke to a former employee, he also helped manage a Facebook Page to bring him back. Customer and employee pressure made all the difference, in this battle. We knew it would be an awful lot of short term pain to help us out in the long term. Good middle class jobs can are disappearing thats what we were trying to save. We knew what was going to happen to this grocery chain, if we didnt take action. Even a victory song has been posted. I cant wait to shop there, they won back a fan they brought back. [laughter] he is all we need. Over the last month, several songs about Market Basket have popped up online, but this one, well, this one came up several hours after the announcement. That is good. So, we were talking earlier, and you were telling me that the tan suit. Yeah. Was it just the jacket or was he wearing an entire suit . We were talking about very serious issues. And twitter got distracted with his tan suit. From the New York Times writed obama about to defeat whoever made him wear this line. And then posting images of president bill clinton with a tan suit. And even ragan, with this suit. Wow. People notice back in 82. So tan suit has been trending in just a couple of hours. That looks like a shannon sharp suit. Of the Baltimore Ravens and the broncos. Thank you. Now to a update on a sheep story we told you about on tuesday. He has finally been shorn, well, for the first time after being found by two farmers. He was covered in 52 pounds of wool. But his fleece fell short of breaking a guinness record. In 2004, a sheep was actually shop, and lost 60 pounds of wool. All the time for this news hour, thank you for being with us, real money, with ali velshi is next on al jazeera america. We should start calling the situation between russia and ukraine what it is, a war. Ill tell you what other countries are getting hurt by this, and ill look at whether uslead sanctions can do anything to stop it. Also the Islamic State group in iraq and syria also runs a very efficient and selfsufficient bureaucracy in its captures territories. Plus what burger kings plan to move to canada says about americas tax

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