From our Bureau of Socialist Compassion and Social Justice with some assistance from our Bureau of Socialist Voodoo Economics After reading this story, no one will have to puzzle over the fact that Cubans are starving despite their fertile land and fish-rich seas. Read it and weep. Abridged from 14yMedio via Translating Cuba As he
From our Bureau of Socialist Social Justice with some assistance from our Bureau of Socialist Voodoo Economics One of the many reasons that Castro, Inc. has basically given up on agriculture is that at some point it woke up to the fact that growing food is far less profitable than importing it. According to a
From our Bureau of Socialist Voodoo Economics Cuba's cash shortage caused by rampant inflation, as well as lack of paper, ink, and the funds needed to purchase these two items has forced Castro, Inc. to announce a "Zero Cash" initiative that will radically alter the way Cubans pay for everything. This initiative seems
From our Bureau of Socialist Voodoo Economics Latrine America's most admired socialist utopia has had a very rough time ever since the Covid plague decimated its apartheid tourism industry. Castro, Inc. can't seem to produce enough of anything except repression. Hence it needs to import over three times more stuff than it exports. Oh, yes,