that goes against low-income people and middle income people but feels okay because it doesn t take effect right away. but the question for is do you support it. no, i oppose it. it is a bad idea. it hurts people that put so much into the system and worked so hard. one of the things i like to remind people is social security and medicare are not entitlements. they are earned benefits. people work their whole life to get them. this is a very washington discussion that s happening right here. this is on the table. you know, let s put other stuff on the table. i agree. i totally agree that. put more on the table. let s talk about other things. problem is that the gang of 32, you cannot get down to this granular level of a conversation because when they say protect and strengthen social security, that is their way of saying, let s cut benefits so that it is still around. where you don t need to cut benefits. you know, the real problem is because ultimately the republicans
two-thirds. eliminates it over time. another way of saying let s get rid of medicare. throw both people older people back on to the insurance market where they were pre-65. help with premiums and increasing little amount each year. reproduce all the problems we had. and don t put money into infrastructure. don t go to the highways. here s my question, okay. if if we are operating under this in this space in which you had sort of different end of the spectrum being held down and congresswoman, you just said the problem is you know, ryan budget gets put out there. cpc budget. no one is talking to each other. i want to talk about okay. what would be the process in an ideal world? legislative process? yes. what s the process of because i basically think i think like all this talk about a grant bargain is absolutely toxic nonsense. so i would like to be persuaded that there is some conceivable means of actually coming
the modern republican party cares about one thing overall. two things. lowering taxes on rich people. and eliminating government. and everything happened the last 30 years is comes from david stockholm s plan to starve the beast. deliberately create and reduce tax rates and deliberately create huge budget deficits which can justify taking actions which would be obnoxious like cutting social security and medicare. let me just say this. here is where we end up in all of this. after this discussion about grand bargaining, discussion about working across the aisle, you are still saying you are not do you not pay right. you are opposed to it. okay. fine. we want to i think it is wonderful talking to republicans. i actually like talking to conservatives on the show and having republicans on the show. people should talk. i m all about debates. some of my best friends are republicans i don t know about that. but the point is at the end of
single platform republican party taxes. as long as republicans stick to taxes, they are not going to lose anything else. they are willing to lose in the polls. they want to win the primaries. let me i want to ask you this to get away from immigration for a second and go back to ten titg the entitlemen. drawing the president further and further out to the point he is saying going around saying look, i want to cut social security. i want to cut social security. how many times do i have to say it? on the record. it is on the white page. where are you on this? like many others in the congress have signed statements saying that we can t have cuts to social security on medicare or medicaid. because these are programs people depend on. i will tell you this. my grandma is one of those people. she was widowed in early her 20s raised three kids as you know, a widow. worked at first cafeteria in south tucson and worked her whole life. retired. now she lives on social security an
for do not harm. deadlocks and not doing things are good. there is nothing but evidence from a progressive perspective that stalemate is the best of the worst options to protect what the american public gets out of government and going forward and getting to a places essentially where one of the two parties boxes enly inoperable and they does not become electorally viable. i would argue also that even the pursuit of some type of grand bargaining is actually destructive. it brought us to sequester. we know from gene sperling whether it was in the ama or in his his e-mail to bob woodward that baked into the cake of the sequester was to leverage and an entitlement reform, cutting social security and medicare and get new taxes. what that did is it brought us the sequester. their pursuit the white