white house meeting in december of 2020. flynn along with a crew of trump s lawyers like rudy giuliani and sidney powell, presented an avalanche of baseless claims of election fraud, while the white house lawyers debunked all of them. at that meeting, sydney powell presented trump with a draft executive order that would have directed the military to seize our nation s voting machines. a lot of that plan would have also made sydney powell herself a special counsel, and could have imposed martial law, and require a re-run of the election. obviously, that didn t, and thankfully, in the happening. the mutinous ideas pitched in that oval office meeting did not exist in a vacuum. they were part of a desperate effort by trump s outside legal team to upend the results of the 2020 election. those lawyers would ultimately file and lose more than 60 lawsuits, pushing bogus instances of election fraud. so, it makes sense that the wall street journal today is reporting that special counse
Bypassing planning regulations is likely to have impacts on social inequity and wellbeing that could prove very costly for both governments and people.
The White House has announced the single largest infusion of funds into the Continuum of Care program, while also including grants for legal services and job training for veterans and “boot camps” for VA medical centers and public housing agencies.