retailer etsy. some sellers now saying they are no longer getting paid george solis reports. reporter: tonight, increasing fallout following the historic collapse of silicon valley bank. i m an etsy seller and didn t get paid today reporter: the demise of the nation s 16-largest bank, once a titan in the world of tech startups, wreaking havoc, including for sellers who use e-commerce site etsy the company acknowledging some users aren t getting paid because it distributed money through svb. those funds feed my family and pay my bills. reporter: amanda runs her handmade soap business through etsy seems a little unfair, doesn t it it does seem unfair, it really does. reporter: she says she s no longer receiving deposits, though etsy says it expects to pay sellers via other payment partners within the next several business days. i had no idea this was going to affect me. reporter: silicon valley bank s failure was the largest in the u.s. since the 2008 financial crisis
खंडवा जिले के पंधाना विधानसभा क्षेत्र के गांव उदयपुर में रहने वाली आदिवासी महिलाएं सफलता की तारीफ पूरे विश्व में हो रही हैं। इनके द्वारा बनाई गई साबुन आज विदेशों में सप्लाई हो रही है। जानकारी मिली है कि अमेरिका से भी साबुन का ऑर्डर आया है।