Smriti Khanna, best known for her roles in Indian television dramas like Meri Aashiqui Tumse Hi, is embracing motherhood for the second time with radiance and joy. The actress recently embarked on a babymoon to London with her husband, Gautam Gupta, and their firstborn, Anayka. The family's London adventure has been filled with heartwarming moments, each captured through delightful photographs.
Smriti Khanna, best known for her roles in Indian television dramas like Meri Aashiqui Tumse Hi, is embracing motherhood for the second time with radiance and joy. The actress recently embarked on a babymoon to London with her husband, Gautam Gupta, and their firstborn, Anayka. The family's London adventure has been filled with heartwarming moments, each captured through delightful photographs.
From Shweta Tiwari s sun-soaked holiday in Thailand to Smriti Khanna s picturesque babymoon in London, celebrities are escaping the summer heat with luxurious trips. Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla are enjoying the cool hills, while Jasmin Bhasin and Aly Goni find paradise in the beaches of Mauritius. Here take a look at their stunning holiday pics.