nightmare is unfolding in buffalo, new york , after days of blistering cold weather in nearly fifty two inches of snow ,dozens are now dead. thousands are without power. new york s governor referred to driving conditions as a war zone. police, national guard are going door to door, plowing their way through the snow to perform welfare checks. and the death toll in western new york is expected to rise. meanwhile, thousands of flights have been canceled or delayed, especially on southwest airlines. which is stranded americans and their luggage all over the country in what is being described as a colossal failure at every level. here now with a full report. fox wethers, katie, burne, katy . some southwest fliers never made it home for the holidays. many of them are still stranded tonight. and for those who gave up on flying altogether, they decided to drive home instead. now they re showing up to airports like this, looking for their luggage and being told they won t be seein
liberal la la land. they don t have to do any of it. all right. well, i m going i m going to pick it up where you left off, but i love those interviews. awesome handshakes. i m laura ingram . this is ingram angle from washington tonight. thank you so much for being with us. apokolips biden. that s the focus of tonight s angle. all right. will he or won t he? as in will joe biden seek a second term or not? well, the white house is the answer to the question has been, well, evolving. my plan is to run for reelection. that s my expectation. besim going to run in 2024. is he telling staff that? yes, that s his intention. is the president running for reelection? his answer has been pretty simple, which is , yes, joe biden is running for reelection and i will be his ticket mate. full stop. please stop it. listen to president biden. he intends to run. and if he does, i intend to run with him. so there you go . and if he does, i will be running with him. probably. and t
get worse. but first, we are only 60 days away from the midterm elections and democrats have nothing zero positive to run on after two years of majority rule.n the economy is in a recession. inflation is at a 40 year high . gas prices have more thand su doubled. the supply chain is still a disaster. disthe housing market is in a e tailspin, violent crime on the rise in small townsross e and big cities all across the country. california, they can t even keep the lights on .d meanwhile,europe broad europe ip war. china is threatening to blow r us up and reunify with our ally, taiwan and afghanistan. is once again a safe haven for the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11. naturally, according to, joe biden and his fellow democrats, maga, republicans are the greatest threat toign america. that s their primary campaign a. message. take a look. we got a little help from republicans, but not a lot, butt enough to get it passed. tru thbut the truth is there areng a lot more republican
casual warning about a looming a nuclear holocaust. now, last night during a closed door fundraiserr top with other top democrats, biden claimed that this is the firstdi time we have, quote, faced since kennedy and the cuban missile crisis. and thenow, because, accordingo joe , vladimir putin is notvladm irjoking when he talks about the use of nuclear weapons orwen biological weapons or chemical weapons. now, apparently, there is nothing joe going to dot it about it, but he did do this. the administration, they are buying three hundred million dollars worth of anti radiatio$n and drugs. well, that s r not reassuring. that s joe s big plan in the event that putin usesr weap? nuclear weapons. that s it. no one in the white house has articulated a strategy to deter vladimir putin or work on any diplomatic solution. now, the war in ukraine has no end in sight. and now it appears that joe biden is only bracing fort e the worst. get ready. i guess it s line up. get your radiation
not so much. here was the botched afghanistan pullout caving toe china on every whim. and now, of course, war i the dangerous never ending war in ukraine. biden has turned our country into a doormat for china and into ukraine s bottomless piggy bank. and now it s all escalating. biden warning that under his watch we re heading towardsheadn a nuclear armageddon, saying at a fundraiser, we have not faced the prospect of armageddon since kennedy and the cubanon se missile crisis. and that s what we ve got.nedy a guy i know fairly well, he said of putin. he s not joking when he talksnua about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons. orso what breaking new intel dd the administration receive thatl would lead us to believe armageddon was imminent? you have new intel that caused the president to ratchet up the level of concern? no, the president was speaking n about concerns about putin ss of threats to use nuclear weapons, just as he did at the u