If you travel out of the area and someone asks you where you are from, you of course tell them Marietta. Shortly after that you begin the game of explaining whe
Your Turn: The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, from New London to Norwich
A Navy truck filled with sailors and enlisted women rides down State Street on Nov. 11, 1918, soon after the armistice ending World War I was signed. The celebration occurred as the region was experiencing a pandemic that became known as the Spanish Flu. (photo courtesy of the Public Library of New London)
Published January 28. 2021 12:01AM
Vivian F. Zoe, Special to The Times
Editor’s Note: This is part one of a two-part series.
The Spanish Influenza pandemic in Connecticut is said to have started in New London on Sept. 1, 1918, when the active port debarked passengers and, a few days later, sailors from the U.S. Naval Base returned to port ill.