it because you days dad ran the place and you did not want to make him mad .e and en you might wind up likelike t the members of his personal soccer team who dared to miss spenalty kicks. that s what third world countries are like. all citizens are not equal inver countries like that. power derives from proximityom to power. op that meansle in the second mosh powerful people in a countryftee like that are the children ofan the president. and very oftenar they don t have jobs and are addicted to something. that s the way it works in places like that. and for a long time, that system seemed very foreign to most americans. they were used to living in a democracy. they could barely even imagine it. but then during the last presidential campaign, joe biden s daughter abandoned her diary somehow in a house she was staying at in florida after she got oun t of rehab. t diary, ashley biden recounted how her father had taken showers with her when shew was young and she attriter.
The Waterville Police Department received a distress call, and upon their arrival, they found themselves in the midst of quite a stinky rescue mission.
reasons. truly, mcglaughlin has done h she s the founder and owner of indiana, a skunk rescue. emotional support skunk don is called princess diana for reasons we re going to find outa in a minute. she and princess diana joinus us now, along with heather blaney. now and heather who also has an emotional support skunk. this one called nugget s. a nosuw we have julian , heather, princess diana and nugget all joining us . kand we are grateful that you r. here, both of you. g he so thank you.putati leont me just ask the obvious question. so skunk s have a pretty badal k reputationin in the animal kingdom for spraying noxious mist into the faces of ho everything that approaches. how do you avoid that? well, actually , that s like an old wives tale. i really think that our parents and grandparents told us that as kids, so we would stay away from them because it does smelll bad when they do. but in reality, it takes a lot to get skunk to you have to keep bugging t
fill those out. all right. a skunk gets stuck. would you go save it? well, you have to if that s your job, right? a skunk rescue coming up. buick lacrosse. uipped get inside each. and see what you find. if perfection is what you pursue, this just might change your course. meet the new class of world class. the twenty-ten lacrosse, from buick. may the best car win.