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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240706

noem and the person that should be the governor of new york , i lee zeldin. tonight.e is the okay. but tonight we begin with the washington swamp where biden s balloon saga, it is now on weekr noree an bd is getting nuttier by the day. now, today s tod developmentayse far more questions than you can ever imagine. now, earlier, your president, joey, the president of final the united states , finally said something about the other three objects besides a chinese spy balloon that he decidederic to shoot down over northr america airspace last week with four hundred thousand400,00 dollar missiles that you paid for. but don t expect any clarity from joe biden. now, here is the trulyning frightening part. joe has absolutely no idea. we told us today, none at all whatsoever. what. these objects were, e they came from, what they were doing. t he he has no idea what he ordered. our military to shoot down. i am not making this up. this is what he said earlier today. take a look. we don t yet know exactly what these three objects were, butg i nothing nothing right nowests suggests they were related to china s spy balloon program or that there were surveillancoe vehicles from other any other country. the intelligence communitythe ie current assessment is that these three objects were mosttht likely balloons weres tied to pm companies, recreation or research institutions. studied weather or conducting other scientific researcreh. w t h think about this. down. he doesn t know what he even shot down, but he s very, very confident it wasn t from china. how how on earth would he possi know? it s not from china, especiall y after the first chinese spyr on balloon. they should be the number one suspect in my mind. thentare the number one suspec . then he says they could be research balloons. okay, does anyone here well actually believe that? well, tonight, there are unconfirmed reports that one of the three objects may have beent a 12 dollar high altitudude balloon now missing from an illinois based hobby club. maybe wee. did we spend four hundred thousand dollars to shoot that balloon down? so let me get this straight.o it took biden eight days to shoot down a known chinesethk spy balloon that they said com they knew this was coming fromoa the moment of takeoff. it traveled into alaskadown e airspace down the west coast ofo canada into idaho, then over. our nuclear silos in montana and sensitive military installations in kansas, kentuc missouri, kentucky, north and south carolina. h nd southand right off the atlanh coast where they finally shut it, shot it downf after they gt all the intelligence they could have ever dreamed of. bu randot with three random flog objects that might be research balloons or 12 dollar balloons from a hobby club or something else joe doesn t know our president ordereddea the shooting down of an object that he has no idea what he way shot down. dod by the way, he shot them down in two cases over population centers to boot. isn t that something tha t he claimed last week? his military said and reaffirm so, today that he wasn t supposed to do so? we had n no o idea what the objs were when he gave the order to blast them out of the sky. five hundred thousand dollariss missiles, by the way, one of the missiles missed, so it took eight hundred thousand dollars to shoot down one of the unidentified objects, which norat is even suggesting and can t rule outul. it may be alien related. okay, beam me up, scotty.up, sc but now think i was stupid for a second here. just stand back and think of. how the world is viewing us . i ink how other nations are viewing this. i se- e this and i heard this president today. and as an americanjust f, i just nothing but sheer embarrassment watching joe biden as weak, disorganized, confused, frail, r incompetent. it was it was downright humiliating and embarrassing, and it even got worse. take a look. thank you very much. relaxium . answer the question. s has anyone who s been sure there s been criticism. there has been criticism thaten there s been criticism of thispn kind of compromise by yourident, family s business. sir, mr. president t s been. president , there is going to be criticism. do you agree, mr. president , there has been criticism that d this was an overreaction that was done becauseone be ofy offi political pressure to turn myself in? that s the question. ceskwe have more polite people who need it right now. think about this. joe biden said this was notthis a big deal . echot is not a problem. this was not a massive breach echoed by is brilliant. giggling vicehe the president kamala harris. he then n shuffles back into a back room without answeringso a single question. so we have mr. lying dog face, pony soldier, president biden valuing politeness. of course, we all know what s going on here. joe biden is not mentallouyghqus ticapable of answering any tougf questions, especially about his family s verchina. y deep final ties to china. we need answers because we, the american people, have a right to know how mucht to moy and business did joe hunter and jim biden and the rest ofish them do with thein communistt an chinese? are they boughd paid for? t and are they compromise? what, compromising materials might the chinese and the russians and the ukrainians and othed trier countries have on the former crack addict that was doing these deals? thatdaddy and given daddy half his income? that would be hunter be hunt bi to joe, those questions are notf relevant to us. lthey are now for eight longd h days, joe biden did nothing. is china hovered over our nuclear sites, our military bases, collectedour mili untolds of data. and and when it was all said and done, he reassured hisa, friends in the communist party of china, it s no big deal . ife s words. this was not a major breach . if that s not major, how many of you think this is a major? breach ? if you think i think it sach a major breach , you re giggling. vice president kamala harris said that it won t impactnship our relationship in any way. why not? inway. now? in the meantime, the communisttt chinese, they are threatenineng us . they re foaming at the mouth.thy they re berating the biden re in administration. they re livid and apoplectican that joe biden actually shot down their spy balloon overown our territory. and they re even threateninges the united states with retaliation in their minds,actig they re acting as if we flew a spy balloon over china. and joe just sits thereit and takes it and shows the world nothing but weakness . it really make s you wonder who biden answers to . it s certainlys to. not we, the american people. now, as we speak , chinas owne maintains ownership of thousands of acres of farmland, ranchland, all across the country, that all of you know, that thousands and thousandousands s of acres. i d like to buy thousands ofof h acres of ranch land and farmland in china. i dothink they re going to sell it to me? i doubt it. now, s, b that includes, by the way ,three hundred acres nearorks grand forks air force base in north dakota. fifteen thousand acres near laughlin air base. and ai that s in texas.r exas china also owns land nea. r nuclear sites in montana,near n more land close to an air forcei base in wyoming and fifteen thousand acres of land near our nation s capital in the commonwealth, virginia for now. f joe had any courage atnoy coug all, he would confiscate all ofn that land. he would do it id,e n the name f national security and he wouldir do it for free and take it as a partial payment for the covid devastation. wodeiothat the communist chinese unleashed on this country. and the entire world it. and lied about it. thank you. no thank w, this week that we some politician that get itvirgn as it relates to china.ia one is in virginia, virginia,l legislature. they banned america s geopolitical foes from buying an m buyingvirginiay farmland in ve governor glenn junkin also passed on a potential deal with the ford motor company that he referred to as a trojan horse, d for china. in a statement, ford did not deny its business relationship with china anyway. here yway, he with more is virginia governor glenn young. governor , welcome to the program. welcome john , great to be with thank you for having me. well, first, let me start with the the balloon part. t how is it possible that a president first allowed a chinese spy balloon?al l they knew it was a spy balloon to travel all across the entire country and then shoot it down after it goes off the east coast. w isand then how is it that the president orders the shooting down of objects that he has no idea whatll. they are and then says with certainty that it s not chinese at all with no way to tell what it is , it doesn t upen know what it is ? well, joe biden doesn t understand what the chinese are ex to . the chinese have one goal, that s world domination at the expense of the united states . and in my business career,n i had the opportunity to sit across the table from leaders, the chinese communist party. i know what they re up to and we have to react strong and swiftly. and he reacts weak and slowly. and all it does is open up a sense that they can push us even further. they re going to use everythey v ounce of capability. they have surveillance through balloons and tick tock, economical caution by tryingfile to infiltrate with relationships and joint h ventures that push them into our economy to enrich their communist party anies. controlled companies. and they re going to trymilitary and intimidate us with their military presenc e. this is a moment to be strong and swift, not weak. and slow. well, let me let me askto gi this, and i ve got to give yougo a lot of credit.u i know like every governor ,ibl you want to bring as many jobs into your state, your commonwealth, as possible . when ford motor company approaches you about an yoectric vehicle deal , i m sure you are very interested. you turn that deal down because of the china component and relationship. explain why. ture t well, itha was it was clear that the structure that ford was using was simply one to to maskn through a relationship that really is a trojan horseallo relationship to allow cattle, w cattle, company thatd is controlled and influenced by the chinese communist party . its cethe the o is a member of t senior in central planningst group of the communist party t to get into the u.s. market and to tap into the taxpayer incentives that are put in place to try to develop a non chinese communist party supply chain for electric vehicles. it wasn-commun clear what was g on and i didn t think thatgo tht us taxpayer money nor virginia taxpayer money should be usedtih to provide incentives for thisip kind of relationship. and what we re we re seeing tods course, is that we have s a bipartisan group of senators who are calling for real answers to tough questionsto about this relationship. and, john , even today,govern the chinesmee government says- they have concerns that that that cattle s technology will be taken away by the united states. i mean , this this is a relationship that i was not going to see happen in the commonwealth of virginia. and i sure hope that it gets the the scrutiny that deserves because it truly is a trojan horse relationship for a company that is controlled by the chinese communist party.l governor , leted m be go to the other issue. i mentioned, and i give you a lot of credit for this, too.p you are not allowing chinese nationals to buy up farmland oro ranchlan bd or land near militat installations in the commonwealth of virginia. ari hope that every governor in the country follows your lead theon this. y we i think it s insanity that we re allowing this to happen and it s happeningll with literally tens and tens of thousands of acres. why are we allowing that to happen? geey are our numbeumber onr one geopolitical foe, yet this cannot be allowed to happen. here virginia, we re home to the pentagone and quantico, the largest naval base in the world, wallopsnd whe island, where we are launching missiles for the government. and we can t begin to allow entities that are owned and controlled by the chinese government to buy up our farmland. and so we re jusnd. t no t gg to let it swi and it wasft swift and quick and proactive. d by we re going to protectng virginia s farmland from being owned by bad actors. this a and i thint k every state should do this if the federalit won t government won t get to it.ments and by the wayho, the federal government should get to it as well. this should be land owned by americans or at leasttities entities that we trust and know. and we cannot alloe w the balana actors to buy up our land across america. governor yoe you thinking about running for president ? runningshowing you are so to en offer that that question? i m humbled by it. i am focused on virginia.t to d we have a lot to do here. we ve got a chance to reallyon. invest that online. t peoplethat don t like to answer that question. and that s what i was askingd . well, i am very focused t on virginia and i think we vedrs got an enormous amount to to address with reducing taxes,g in investing in law enforcement, investing in our schools. you know, parent s matter in virginia and we go to work every day to make sure that we g are protecting the rights ofa cs our parents to make decisions for their children. this is a constant effort to make sure that we areery day. advancing this agenda. and i m work every day on for virginians, making sure that re we re protecting their interestprot s. k you, g but we appreciate you. thank you, governor . appreciate you being. cc as it stands now, the ccp$2 owns around two billion wortht s of american land, but our next guest is also vowing to crack down on china s land grab. and lt. governor young and he is leading the way. and the great state of southverr dakota, we have governor kristi noem as well as governor. gooappld to see you. thank you. first of all, i you are a pioneer. n you were the firsttry to governor , i believe, in the countr sy to say no,us to ticktock because our intel community have been saying it s being used as a spying mechanism against americans. i give you credit for that. t now, you one of the first to say no to the chinese buyingd farmland, ranch land and landrac near military installations. hlar i give you credit for thato me tell us how you came to those decisions. well, we ve also i ve done anon executive order that has saiddo that we won t do state contracts and telecommunications companied s will not do business in south dakota. tha that affiliate themselvet affili with china as well. so we ve been aggressivewi on fighting this threat thatll t president biden will not address. i ve got a bill.g i m workinwith ale og with a cof legislators in south dakota to ban china frobeinm being abl to buy up our farmland. agriculture is our number one industry in our state. alsowe also are the home of ellsworth air force base. ellsworth is goingth air f to be the home of the b 20 oncehome o the next generation bombers that will protect the united states of america for many,ears many years to come. and china would love to set up next next door and conduct surveillance on that platform. and we won t allow it. we ll make sure that our land stays under the united states control and that we enn t allod thatw enemies that e us to come in and to purchaseo e our assets. i ve been in the food security policy for many, many over 20 years. i ve seen china buy upilizer c our fertilizer companies, our chemical companies. they ve bought up our processing systems. now they re buyinge buying our land and they re doing it to destroye us . and it s timete we a get as president that wises up, loves this country, defends us andd ai stops acting like a in front of the whole world. i think that pretty much sums it up. no, i want to ask you aboutlloo. the issues with the balloon. and i don t know which part is worse for me. the fact tha at they allowedllcm the communisunt chinese to have their spy balloon go from alaska to idaho, montanaand and all around the country before they finally shot it t down offhe coast ofe the carolinas, or joe biden going out there today.s, or josaying he had no earthly cluee what the other three objectsorde were, that he ordered our military to shoot down with four hundred thousand whatar sidewinder missiles. now, i don t know what s worse or are they equally as bad? what are your thoughts? knoww arhal equally as bad? it s unbelievable to me. they don t know what these objects are yet. sean, let me tell you a story. i was standing upstairs in the governor s residence, actually in my closet when one ofoset whe my staffers came upstairs and said, governor , we need to talk to you downstairs about a national security issue that you need b to be brieferiefguard. d on by your national guard. they indicated to me that the pentagon and departmenpenttt defense had reached out to them, that they needed to be on alert because there was a foreign object in the skynt over montana that wouldta the be comin ng into south dakota in the next twenty four hours. tod our assets might need to be utilized to take it down.e now, listen, sean, this was twor days before the rest ofnd the country even knew that thisi object existed. and the pentagond no the whitesa house did not let me know as governor of south dakota that my national b guard may be utilized, that my f-16 or my personnel that have expertise in recovery of these kind of objects might be tapped to come in and assist the united states . ballthey did not d have any communication with me until the balloon had already crossed through south dakota. one was over the central united states. in fact, when you guys were reporting on fox news that it was over montana, that balloona had already crossed intothe coun the middle of the country. so this is the kind of deception that we have goingourd on with our administration. thison. is what they ve lia the american people covered it up. they ve gone arouno d governoru shd not communicated to us. and frankly, i believewn they shot this balloon downle t over the water because wha they wanted to be ableat ballo to decide what was on boardf soe that balloon. and if some of it was lost at t sea that they didn t want us to ever know about, that was ans tt easy narrative that they could sell to us. ep athat they could keep as much havet as they felt they wanted to . i would havn the loveemd to e seen them retrieve it in fullth and take it down to earth. ard canme send men to to the mn and land and the moon and walk around and get back on thatey wu ship and come back home. i think they d be able to pull that lastin question, governor .g at aride yoency? u contemplating al run for the presidency? oh, not today. is today. stuff to we ve got a lot of other stuff to focus on , but it seems as me there s no time to tell me. all right, governor , we always. appreciate being with us, as always. thank you. thank you for the handy hotseat topic. biden s pointless press conference from earlier today here to discuss, fox news contributor charlie hurt and the co-hosd t of the hit shb the five. he s my friend.ering me he s my brother, but good to see yoe crazy lately. geraldo rivera, who . ger thank you.tial thank you. mar-a-lago to presidentialn. contenders, they re pretty good showing who how was itunited s the president of the united states or does the shooting down of three objects, none ofi which he has a clue what it is . now, before you answer, please don t make me have a heart attack on national. no, those are the balloonsveh i had for the sweeeat sixteen fr shot right? they kno i mean, i don t think they know. i don t think they know. i think that this was a severe,n profound overreaction to the ctd tion t that they wai


Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240706

to today. we begin with 0,000-foa sixty ts foot in the sky balloon that s flying over the continentale. wa us somewhere where at this momentt this we re not exactly sure. it is a massive chinese spy balloon the size of, say,, hove three school buses.rir iout has been hovering overml our country for days. and why hasn td we our governmee told we, the people about this ,the self-proclaimed most transparent administration itras history? china says it s a weather balloon. i don t believe anyone here believe them can say it louder.l now. all right. they re saying accidentally that he s flying over america s critical military infrastructure. now it sy happening in multiple states . a lying communist spokesperson nameisd mao told us to calm dow, quote, any deliberateside speculation or hyping uperin will not help the chinese side n is gathering the facts and hopes all sides will handle this matter matter in a coolhes manner. how about we don t need lectures from the communist chinese and . yeah, no, noy ar doubt they reca gathering facts about our military bases, our nucleard facilities and god knows what else. now, i have ant idecha. how about china gets their outt of our airspace and if wer spac don t, we ll blow them oute. of our airspace. t i don t have enough people to surveil back in their own country. they what, one point fourines billion chinese citizens they treat like prisoners? or whahat about the minority figures that havetrying and persecuted and they re trying to exterminate. whd by the wayo extermin, are wd to be cool-headed want to spy? balloon is hovering overpy us ad our nuclear sites, all while china is throwing complete and total hissy fit every single time. v an american officialisit wantswr to visit an allied country called taiwan, they say they want to reunify with now. the last time pelosi visited our pacific ally, the ccp, they threatened targeted military operations against us and chinat even claim that pm global stability was ruined because mike pompeo, who will a sein us in a moment, congratulated taiwan s president on w a second term, which is supposed to be what, calm, cool, collective relaxed about a chinese spy balloong ov hovering over our country. in our airspace.pace. sowh i have another question. why haven t we shot this presidt balloon out of the sky? oh, joe biden is the president . he is refusing to take anyke f action as of now. apparently, this has gonet on for days. he won t even talk about it.. he he doesn t want to answer t the questions about the little situation room. where he shoulde balloon. he doesn t have time forl da the situation room where he should our have been all day with our top military leaders. bus weekend t no, joe biden thid is back to delaware for restoril taxation. s no now, this is this a joke to him? because it s not to me. this seems to me to beto thi a serious security threat can t to this country.andl and , joe , if you don t want t to be president , if you can t handle it, if you don t want to work overtime, if it s too much work for you, you can bot go away, you can leave and you c can stay in delaware. leasdon t bother coming back .pn and please don t leave us withew the giggling vice president , because i don t think she knows what to do either. anyway, any competent leader. all t?i thought joe was bad. r i m beginning to thinky am she s worse. i really am any competent leader, democrat, republican , n would be in washington in the situation room managing this crisis. e, the china has breachedng our airspace. they re now spying on us o. but the administration says it is too much of a risk to shootti a balloon down. they say they are worriet d that debris might hit a population sf own. keep in mind, the drone first flew over a barren parto of alaska, the white house. they took no action.ies it then flew over the vast prairies of mountain ranges ofev montana. and by the way, eveen flen f over our icbm launch sites and the white house took no action and didn t tell us it was probably close to some of that farmland. china s been buying farmland all over the country. .h landthey ve been buying rancd all over the country. they ve been buying land nearthn our military installations all over the country. now,e chines do you think the cd would ever let americans buy their farmland, their ranch land or buy land near their military installations? stallatii would say the odds aro and biden wants to sell what more of our strategic petroleum reserveses to the chinese after he depleted it. now to a forty to fifty year low. thes notn stop wasting our mn hi s simply not.t fit to be president . and we have to ask dil the question, did his high dollar family business dealings with china compromised his ability to do the right thing?fs in this moment? the way we don y of crisis? is right now, by the way, we don t exactly know where the balloonsh ex flying. that s not good news either. pea according to a pentagon spokesperson. if the americao know then peoplt to know the location of the china spy balloon, you ll only need to look up in the sky . they said that.e take a look. as i mentioned right now, oversb the center of the continental united states, that s about as specific as i m goingveni to get, i understand may be inconvenient, but as the a rie a right loo, doe pub to know, the public certainly has the ability to look up in tn the sky and see wheree th the balloon is . i m going to holde ba on lloi let me look upn in the sky. biy i don t see the balloon.n th maybe it s not in new york yet. look, i m glad we still haveis i the ability to look up in the sky, which is a privilege. m but is it just me or does the biden administration seem to have more contempt for the american people than r our number one geopolitical foe? now, as we speak, vladimir putin, our number twog to geopolitical foe, he is planning to launch a hyper sonic missile capable of, durinr hitting the united states during a war. with this is during war games,ing a drill that he s doing whichof simulating an attack on the east coast of the but joe biden is still refusing to supply ukraine or allow europe to supply ukrainen in with the fighter jets that they need to winst the war against russia.e is somet so make no mistake, therehion is something deeply wrong with the president thats is quick to call republicans a threat to the country. the counbut will not stand up ta or even take action againstcognz a chinese reconnaissance spy balloon flyingan over us milita. forms. in contrast, today, formerer pre president donald trump, he released this video on whatom te is a real clear present danger,i and that is the growing threat . as president, i took the from the communist chinese. take a look. as president, i took the mostai dramatic action of anyabilit administration to curtail china s ability to conduct espionage in the united states . he pi i don t imagine in the uns and when i m back in the whitee house, those efforts will bell expanded in a very, very big way. instead of hunting down republicans, a reformed fbi and justice department will be hunting down chinese spies. all right.. former joining us now with much more ,, author of the bestseller never give an inch. he s the former secretary ofmike state, former cia director , p former congressmanom, friend of the program, mike pompeo, by the way.o have mr. secretary, welcome . ou. glad to have you on with you. i had you on my radio show, sho. your book is phenomenal. yth you tell the back story ofd i meetings with putin and she and little rocket ma rocken ando john . that story behind that. aize is two serious, though. tonight. giv i want you to first analyze, examine, give your thoughts on how nonsocial biden and hisha administration is about this and what would be happening if you and donald trump were back in charge and this was going on . sean, thanks for having me on .n i can i can nearly guarantee you that tha stit balloon would still not be flying if we were a still there. this is thisha is embarrassing.r more important than that, itrtal is dangerous. i don t know wha t they re a collecting it. itth is certainly noerte sh a surveillance tool or weather tool.b it and offer to give it if it s a weather tool, we knowh should go grab it makes you ango offer to give it back to them so they can know what figur the weather is going to be likei . a truth is the truth.should is we need to figure out what s in there. we should then share thatos with the american people the mostt transparentory, administration in history should be transparent. we should be veruld bey too. there could be westernt ball technology on that balloon. we should find out who made all the equipment that s inside of i that as well and share that so that the american people can get a full picture. i ll give you a counterexamplert when the chinesey wa communist party was spying from its consulate in houston, texas, they were running the biggestd t spying operation in the history of the united states of america. we shut itn. we cl down. we closed it out. the we kicked the spies out and weyi protected the american people.rh what you re seeing today with this balloon flying over the united states is real weakness and whether they re actually collecting important informatiomportantn or not, i pe you, xi jinping is testing america. i he s testing president biden, and we are failing that test. he will view this as aean: why green light for further aggression. why is our pentagon tellingrt the american people that we assess that the balloon does not present a military or physical threat to the people tl on the ground at this time? l and they didn t tell us for days. mr. secretarythis, don tnese the people in this country havel a right to know thate the communist chinese have sentu a balloon the size of three buses flying over our country? e we absolutely do.e from president biden should address the american people from the oval office or somewhere t and explain to us why they ve d thde the decisions they have. i don t know why the pentagone has such confidence. maybe maybe they ve been ablepl to shut it offto. is go i truly don t know., wh but they need to explain to us what s going on , why they ve permitted to continue to fly, even if even there s nothing, going on inside that balloon. a it s in american airspace.merica it s a chinesen balloon.. we they re violating the most fundamental sovereignty of the unitedde states . we ve seen that by administration. they won t protect our southern border now. they won t protect protect ski r either. this is this is truly dangerouy, stuff because every bad guy, xi jinping, chairman kim, all a the bad guys in the world saw, they saw 13 americans killed in afghanistan. we ve now seen an invasion of c europehine and we now have chine flying balloons over our country. you know,r our secretary ofsaid state blinken said china s decision to fly this t reconnaissance balloon over the continental us is unacceptable. e contand irresponsible. that s stating the obvious. and he canceled the trip thatoud he had planned for china next wo week and maybeut you could tell us without giving away military or intelligence, cetrayway, , iy way, i want to know, would wet o have the ability to get to that balloon reconnaissance alone and actually recover it and take it down and actuallye find out what is in it?a possib? would that be a possibility? because we can t do that. we really have, from my point i of view, one action, and that is to blow it into smithereens. those are the only two optionseo i see with the first option sea be possible, in your view, yes,e i think i think it s possibleve to achieve i don t know exactly what s driving this balloon. but i don t know the mechanics t behind that. we have no nobody s told us .sut but it wouldn t surprise me ifha we have the ability to make sure that thatwe cou comes downn a way that we can both keep the american people safe . that s important, too. haa shbut they had a shot when s over, very, very sparsely populated.pad la. they made a different choice, sean, and they ve just made a different choice, sean. they voicee they ve made a choie to say, no, keep flying, fly it on out. nothing to see here, folks. it s these are scary times. there s no doubt about it. congrats on your best seller, secretary pompeo. neverve give an inch. we appreciate you being here. thank you, sir john . s thank you, sirean:. china i price tonight, since china is currently violating r spacour airspace, and spying r feuntry without any known consequences, i do have a few more questions for hunter, biden and joe biden, who , joe according to the senate homeland security committee, made a lot of money with they wh communist party of china. now, the committee detailed one hundred thousand dollar gift from a chinese national. that was a shopping spree. we ve talked about a lot. also, a lucrative deal with the bank of china estimates one billion leading to one point five billion dollar deal . i would think morgan chase. i would think that let s see, deutsche bank, goldman sachs, they might be a little better ck selections than hunter biden, who is a crack addict. addict at i believhae, at that time. now, according to fox news, hunter also had a stake in a chinese private equity firm. in fact, that was in october ofi 2020 one . whn psaki wouldn t say whether hunter had divested from that fund. so the question remains, doet fa hunter biden continue to hold a stake in a chinese private equity firm? ese here to answer that quesa and much more , according to the new york post , betwe to answer an email between hunter and mobster whitey bulger s nephew. details a potential meeting.a this is a great company, a meeting with a chinesebassadot ambassador in washington, d.c. so did that meeting ever tak ta? place? and if so, what was it about? and finally, a last question for tonight. lapis about hunter s laptop frm . nes contents were authenticated by the washington post, the newe york times, cbs news, the news u york post and other outlets. but hunter still won t say for sure, nor will his lawyers say for sure whether or notel the laptop is real. so is the laptop fromc. w how authentic? now wee do hope that someone w from hunter s team will get back to us. so far , we have written them dozens of times with no answer. we re no. t holdinhereg our breo with reaction. fox news contributor joe concha and charlie hurt. good to see you guys. thank you. see china wants to wants us toha believe that the airship is ah r civilian research craft. that was blown off course by prevailing winds and they regret the incident. do yous believehere that maybee fly over the super bowl? i think it s a good shots.le it s some free free tickets. precisely.y wa while we re asking questions, why wasn t this s balloon fle detected when it first fleww ovr over our airspace? a i m not talking abouirt montanao i m talking about alaska. and then allh the way throughca canada, and as you said, this jr thing, it s not the balloon. you get the jersey shore at kno? the amusement park, three buses. . didn t they know? did they know what we did hear about that or did they know orkd not? tell us that ns that s another question. we re asking a lot of questions later on . what if the u.s. decided to fly one of our spy balloons overinko beijing? what do you think would happen to that? bill would be happy to see us ppy itto would s exactly.and jo ite wouldn t exist anymore.d the bottom line is that thisn president , joe biden and tony blinken and the secretary of state and john kerry ,t fa the climate czar, said, quote, the greatest threat facing the unitedng. states is globall warming. are we sure about that nowme? because we re seeing in real time an actual trial balloon around what we would do if china attacked taiwan. joe biden said that we would protect them militarily. the chinese are probably saying, really, you would you re not even going afterba a balloon right now, sean. lloon,n: does by the way, does e believe that the u.s. would protect taiwan? in f if if, in fact, china gos for their reunification? does anyone believe they will? i don t think joe biden to lift a finger and i think president xi knows it. and i think they have all determined that joe biden s doesn t know today s friday. the scarier question is ,andn would you trust joe biden to be commander in chief? to defend taiwan if chinahe invaded? and to me, that s the scariest cause. i would trust hi sean: im with g on a weekend. exactly. theexactly. but, you know, secretary pompilio, i m just being honest . know a really important point,, int talking about the fact that yoeu they intentionally flew this balloon across at a at an altitude that people could see it. he wanted people to see this, but china wanted us to see this balloon. release and three buses long. yeah. absolut and and it is absolutely a a giving america the middlee finger, saying that, you know,yg we can get away with this. you re not going to dod anything. did they know it? t did they did they not know when it crossed over the aleutian islands? i suspect they did know ito and they elected not to do anything. at the end of the day, whatn does one hundred billion, one hundred million dollars worth of corrupt investments in chin tha get this?ho let me ask this audience you and you can clap. f wehow many of you, if we can t recover this this reconnaissance balloon, want joe biden to blow that sucker out of the sky? sky how man? y next flight is there anybody that doesn t believe that s a good strategy? anybody you can say it. libel it s okay. som there s always a liberal somewhere, but everybody, not one person. you think the united space states should protect its airspace? advoc i ll play devil s advocate. i ll say i honestly worry about. it. i worry about any confrontationa with anyone between president joe biden as our commander in chief. iandet flying and surveilling our country in our airspace. ng blow them out of the sky, sendem them a message. we re not going to take, what s so hard about that?in no, again, i agree with you. but in terms of history, itt tr is scary because i don t as you say, you wouldn t trust joe biden to walk your dog. and it s true. and in terms of getting into a some sort of world standoff with china or russia or anybodyi else, it terrified me to think of him in that position.ds of th all right. these guys, great, great. friends of the program. joe , good colde to see you.r charlie, good to see you in sea: the studio than it is outsid ce all right.assing coming up, another embarrassing blunder of the week for the bush administration. bidengot all the lowlights. plus, wait until you see the squads melt down yesterday.i we ve got the tape.t. m you don t want to miss that.strt and we ll hear from great audience on this friday night. a more news straight ahead. love. 11 and a half years ago, i needed assistance. i didn t know if i would ever play golf again. you can t rehab was quite a journey. i thought maybe this is the best it s going to be until i took balance of nature. i am convinced this is what got me over the hurdle. my swing plan was better than it was before my accident. i will take balance of nature for the rest of my life. start now by going to balance of nature .com. and don t forget to use discount code. fox news. are you ready for a fresh new bath or shower? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240706

oh, look at that. i like trinidad and tobago. she only needs one name, postum. only neehannity on fox business it s kennedy obongo. ] he s so sharp. we re handing out bandaids to the audience, contributing editor at the spectator, chadwick moore, she s so hip .er grandpas want her as aa replacement. fox news contributor to head s when he steps out of the shower. the national weather service issues a fog warning pretty good. that s a good one . i m at the sidewalk at the end a worlorld heavyweight champion iris. heers an oh, that was a lot of work. before we get to some newsories, stories, it s friday, so it ski. time to braid my hair. i kid it s time for this. greg s leftovers from. t yeah, i love s you love them. so let s love them together. it s leftovers where i read the jokes we didn t use this week and as always, it is my first time reading these. so if they , it s not my fault . it s yours. a massive humpback whale has died after beaching itself on long island monday morning. authorities believe it may have become disoriented once it was separated from the other members of the viefrom thew. that s off to a good start. democrat congress woman illng se on omar is drawing heat fo wr te claiming she was unaware there are, quote, tropes about jew and money. from her but she clearly hasn t learned from her mistake when she asked a jewish leaders penny for your thoughts. oh, yeah, a convicted. , in aren t they all in scotland?d al allegedly changed his identityhe so he would be placed in jail. the woman s jail to avoid confusion. offin theofficials have give him an appropriate code name, the ness monster. you actually like that one ? i m in a terrible mine. a mine that.i yeah, sports fans are complaining that super bowl tickets are out of reach forbuth everyone but the 1%. i but the wnba is reminding fans that there are courtside seats are still six bucks. the twenty nine year old woman allegedly used fake documents to enroll in a new jersey high school. it reminded some of nancindeynce pelosilo sleeping in a freezer to convince voters she s only four hundrednvince. i didn i didn t see that direction. i thought i was going to go somewhere else anyway. a group of veganp activists blocking traffic. we were nearly hit by a livestock truck that refusedd to to stop. undaunted, the activists returned the next day, t demanding to be run over by anl electric car .lished i a study published in early january suggests men take viagra men taking, maybe adding years to their life. however, men who die while taking the pills are asked nota] to have open casket funerals very hard to close them. in a recent interview, bill gates continued downplays connection to convictedd jeffrey epstein, claiming they were only dinner pals. although gates shoul gates sd hh suspicious when he had to order off the children s menu. m enu. day. that was a good one . yeah, pete davidson was unrecognizable. he always was unrecognizable.une cognat a recent knicks game wheb showed up with a new buzzcut. how embarrassing, you know, to be seen at a knicks game spy balloon that was spotted overfid the united states was confirmed to be operated by china. be authorities fear it may be parte of a chinese plot to drop up to ten thousand takeout menus. o varig. nny be good, veryca good. true. it s funny because it s true. and finally, will smith and martin lawrence are reteamining for a fourth bad bom movie. and the lates tt filmhe, the aging will in martin will face their biggest challenge yet int challe large yeah, yeah.plause ] you re very you re very diplomatic. i give that a solid b forleftov the leftovers. you don t get food poisoning, but you you laughed. and that s all that now, on to some news. he messed with drugss and tart s. now his story s falling apart. story g apbut can they keep thes from closing in on biden?de families sins? hop will hunter hope so as his story collapses like a dying at a motel six , his lawyerix turned to delaware prosecutorsor with deep ties to the bitd t family to probe the infamous laptop probe. that laptop. be careful, the laptop, hunter e said, wasn t his, but somehow has his homemade on it. smrry, pal. itthat excuse didn t work for mo and it s not going to work for you. meanwhile, harvard has pulled the plug on a disinformation researchct that project that ws led by a skeptic of the laptopsa scandal. the university reportedlyd cited bureaucratic reasons. a a woman named joan donovan ran the project. here she is in a tweet from april 2020 two. i believe that s her wh the right, i think. oh, knows. . who knows these days. her right. shgoe coulodd be on the left. good for her.e good verve. she s both. maybe she s two headed. she tweeted the hunter left a provided the laptop was a straw. man argument. s fair enough. hunters had more straws up his nose than a sea turtle. tuall ripe sea turtle. but now she s got so much eggs e on her face. supermarkets charged six bucks six tjust to look at her. president biden. meanwhile, security. two hundred and fifty thousand dollar line of credit against his delaware beach house. according to records. did fox digital obtained really? nope. no obtaine, one knows why the ct hous was taken out. and the white house does noty th deny that the money is being for used for cocaine and horse, se n mainly because no one asked if e it s being used for cocainee and horse. i wonder whatin joe thinkkss you re took a home loan. we had to do some repairs, fix the gutters, retilend the bathroom. come on . bathr lawyourse we needed it for lawyers. of course we did. and lawyers. that s all hunter ever spent his money on . i i told him, no, go screw you. only one of them s worth doing a reify on the beach house. u kennedy tried two elements to his monologue. hrategy we got the hunter bys strategy, which looks like it s blown up in his face, not you v the first time. t thand then you got third the disinformation office. this is like the second or third one that shut down since they sprouted up post trump. what is your take on either and or both? greg, i v e answered thisansw question thoroughly. severaeredl times. wee i ve been here all weekg th answering this question, and now i m goinis qg to have to refer you to white house counsel. so it s very interesting because, you know, here s a guyo who wants it all ways. b he wants the the laptop storyo to be false. he m wants everything in there to be manufactured by pro trump russian agents. he also wants his laptop back . yeah, he wants the pressure that comes from the wayne flaks, which he does constantly. .i i don t know. i mean, i bet there aree professional stars who don tdona have that much photographic evidence of their junk. it really is an obsession. yeah, and even the corrupties w commies who were paying millions of dollarse paye this is what we got when we sent him a giant diamond and a million bucks a year to sit on this board and that board. and the access wasn t evenbout worth it because his dad forgot about it. and noand now he wants to sic the federal government on . that s not how it works.w it civilians don t go .the way i by the way, i want a federal o probe of that guy in the funny scottish. had it fixed to my mac because even though i told him to crack my mac, he s not supposed to do that. e abso lu you re absolutely right. this is the weirdest part, chadwick, is that hunter s lawyers are saying, you guysre g got to go after the dude who hunter hired to dod on t whatever , whatever , and the guy, like, held on to it , triedt unde to contact him and somehow he s the villain. i don t understand the cap either. rsit s a thing obviously know i don t know what or to whom he s signaling. yes. yeah. well, this is the first time in american history that a president and his son have both been under investigation at the same time, whic h i waswhich delighted to learn about. buti it s interesting if il actually horrific to watch this family that owns the state owhof them gre, along with the credit card companies, which will be on them, go after basicallis guy this guy who owns a repair shopg who i think was charging eighty six dollars to 100% for the repair, just wanted his money and left multiple messages. come pic multiple messagesk youa a contract that says if youu leave there for over 90 days, it becomes a property of the shop, sort of watch them sort of bring out bazookas, come after this poor guy. afey think that s a this is scranton, joe , isn t it? looks like for the working guy. yeah, apparently not. g but yeah, i don t know what s going to happen, but i doubt that hunter is going to face any real well stocks.t well, actually , no, it doesn t because i m not beneath saying that i can t wait for h the televised hearings. you re going to haveng , drugs. it s going to be wild. millre going to have millions, perhaps billions of dollarsdoll funneled here and there. aranwe re going to watch it evee day. we might no tt even havey hae to wor ik if they have it wall o wall and it goes on to hav the night, we might not even have a show. we could just hang out. itah, drink lady drinks. yeah, it s crazy, though,tir. that they were all just livingh this life the entire time. yeah. re ouwe re hearing about it. r but this was going on andt they re all just we didn t know. i mean, and like hunter callingl employees of joe , like you got to help me with this, you goto p to help me like, i never calledy anyone at my parents work. paret s yeah. except except when i was likeas little and i would call them my say, can i please talk to my mom? mom so she can tell my sister, stop biting my brother. bu yeah, but she woulde actually get mad at me about that. she d be like, you re in f troublige for letting them figh. i m like, i m not selling tickets. yeah. so like w joe was just like, o, with this. it s crazy.just and then just quickly, the fact that that harvard program, proga the misinformation program was led by a woman who fell formisif a misinformation campaigorn, fr reminds me of a horror movie for three reasons why because a lot of us saw the ending coming. there were a lot of warningse along the way. and by the end, we all found out the call was coming from inside the house. yes, very true. yes. i love that al i love that all thesees a disinformation officers that are imploding, isn t ity advice the best advice for hunter? well, let s stop this for a minute, okay? all right. let s just slo? y.w down here, wha okay? i know what the hat was, okay? i know what the hat was.t of okay, a guy wears a lot of hats. yeah. was the director s hat. he forced poor to make adult skin flicks. that s what it was. that s what the laptop was from. that was the camera. he was yes. and he was blackmailinga crac a crackhead forf mone eighty nine dollars. that s a lot of money when heade you re a crackhead because you : got to buy your crack. yes. and you know, and he got it in eighty nine dollars. it s like, d moo buy more .porn do i pay off my director . yes. very yes. tyr it s a tough situation. it s so bad that his parents one is a doctor, the other one s the president.he s he smoked so mucmoked so much ck they got to get a loan on the house to pay his legal bills. it s still working. lot that s a lot of crack. ld the what could the other job could his dad possibly get to cover those expenses? yeahr , he literally could raish our taxes to pay his son st wo bill . and it s still not enough.d be that would be a great thing. s i would actually like that. prices, we sure the gas prices there wasn t a little loophole. hunters crack. thank you.thank americans. all right. up next, get ready to applaud the freak out from the squad when it s go time. i don t like constipation. stop great tasting. dakhil x juicy fruit bites work naturally with no water in your body and as little as 30 minutes. so you can go fast, go gently and go on with life. dunkel x juicy fruit bites put you comfortably in control. be my valentine diamond hearts just fifty nine 1/2 carat diamond haaz one ninety nine when two hearts become one pendant six ninety nine 1/2 carat bands three ninety nine and one carat stud s five ninety nine all guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange direct and dr. paul . i m an optimistic physician. i do recommend balance nature to my patients because it s almost a self-evident truth that if they eat a healthy diet that s rich in fruits and vegetables, that they re going to give their bodies the rich source of biochemistry. they need to have their best chance of being healthy. i ve been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for thirty years and when i looked at the ingredients of balance of nature, i could see that there are a number of things that were so important to help. so getting balance of nature in your diet or you re getting the right amount of fruits and vegetables you need. think balance of nature is a great product. my name is dr. roger bond. i ve been in practice thirty years now and i recommend the balance of nature to my patients and they ll tell me a balance of nature is making a difference in their lives. take balance in nature because it really makes a difference. start your journey to better health by going a balance of nature .com. and don t forget to use discount code fox news. yep, yep, yep. yes, yes. big. yes. no, i want to have this kind of excitement you need to download thingo, bletch. it s free download. bingo. listen, get excited about something. go for a special event. power up and challenging mission. no, it s free. and when i startedi my online stor, there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast. to ship out fast. that s why i chose ship station itrnline orders kiddo s shipping costses an it s my secret ingredient ship station, the number one choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to ship station .com tv and get two months free a state of the union preview ahead of the president s second address. the president s second address. shannon s breaking every search you make every click you take i ll be watching you - [narrator] the internet doesn t have to be so creepy, the duckduckgo app, lets you search and browse pria blocking most trackers all forf your search history is never tracked, so it can t be shared. and when you leave search, duckduckgo helps keep companies from watching you as you brows. join tens of millions of people making the easy switch by downloading the app today. duckduckgo, privacy simplified. (upbeat music) you are not alone. she talked trash about. now she s yesterday s news. yeah, omar got got booted from t the committee and the squad s reaction. it ain t pretty. it was a shrieking heard round the world. a squad is accusing republicans of white supremacy becauseoved d they removed squad member alien omar fro m the foreign affairs committee, of course,e accusing republicans of white supremacy is literally all the squad does all day. allsquathey should just come tm and shirts that have that on the front. it would save everyone a lot oft f time. check out this fro time.m rep. y bush. republicans areepub waginlics a blatantly islamophobic and racist attack on congresswoman omar. and i ve said it before. i will i will say it again. itthe white supremacy happening is unbelievable. i agree.said t shhae certainly has said that before.. actually i m not actually , i m not sure that i ve ever heard or say anything. else. her private security detail must get so tired of hearing ity anyway. not to be outdone, aoc tossed in sexist like she was cookingat a stew on a gaews powered stove don t tell me that thisa cond is about an apt condemnationem f anti-semitic remarks. this is about targeting women of color in the united i states of america. don t tell me because i didn tfs get a single time in the spotlight like you was threatened. thank you. not not really.. this is thisab is about disciplining a woman of color for being anti-semitic, or are they somehow-semiticomehow muni? wouldn t that be racist?d how ab and how about aoc s cadence? there? sounds likee she s auditioning to be a baptist preacher. a baptist could be the craziesta i ve ever had at least till i heard this. the gentleman s time haswoma expired, butn our gentleman s time has expired. thaty that our country is failiu today to this chamber is no longer the whole country is failing her. what didwhat d i do? i you know what you did. i know, but that was laststill. summer. g i did there. i know what you did lastu summer. yes. he s reallhay mad . you have that great joke about the attack on . but we re not sexist around here. ere.we don t just make fun of crying women, although we coulde it i we make fun on,f crying man to the president likes to say it is never a good beta go to bt but wht the american people. and he is right. but whatat i want to i want to y is it is never a good bet to bet against joe biden and this team, never, ever a good bet. is he doing an impression of joe macnee? ro ron created those tears the old fashioned waye by thinking about joe s chancesn in. twenty four .rying to you know, and i m not even really trying to say thatal linamar is all bad. i mean, say what youfirst. will about her. she always puts her family first, especially when it comes to marrying them. you know, that he saw that one coming, right? i mean, cat, i m not going to leave that joke out. is this sexism at its worst?jo is tthough? were you holding it together? yeah, everyone s like you don t u en think about breathing. i m likedon , speak for yoursel. no, it s not. and i really wish people would. i really wish people would stop calling things sexist when they are not sexist because it is the best time ever for betual sexist because you get so drowned outca by everything being called it that nobody s even listening to actual exampless tening of sa which are absolutely realill and still happening. ening anand people compare it te boy who cried wolf. but it st not because that wase just one boy.g: it s true. yeah. kat and like h: ane got eaten and tt . and thoughtske thos to and prayt family. but like, once he was eaten,hi that was it. it wasn t like this pervasive issue like it is now. and it s like there s never been a better time to do d with sexism because no one wille even pay attention anymore. well, speakin ng of sexism,pn what do you do it? i thought i m sorry. i said it s like i was going into your about what you did last summer. and i just want to get you. a tucker made a good point. ad it s an observation that otherti people have made that the democratic party is a party of weak men and angry women. and i ve started thinking about that. i go, wroi don t think he s wrm no, because think of like, youe know, you see, it s just like cory booker. i m he starts every sentence with . i m sorry. yeah. you ow what?you know what my fah of all the speeches is ? toey were so 1%, but they kept having to read them. yeah. did anyone notice that she had to read her apology? yeah. and one of the unfortunately, as a member of the minoritythins community, one of the things that we unfortunately do when l we are up is we like to includei the entire groupnc. right. so it s not that i was bad at what i did or i did horribles things or said horrible to me. u it ss. the group all of us . so if you re going to kick me out, you ve kicked all of us out. you re racist. to all ll of us . that s how you know, shee doesn t have an argument. that sdo how she is .w sh she e did what she did because i it was something that she couldc combat and fight with facttsst and things like that, she wouldi do it, but she can t.card so she plays this card. i m a woman.ou r i m honored and you re kicking me out. so, adam, shif t, what was his far excuse? and the little guy who likese to fire all the time,


Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240706

to consumers, that s allowed in only one other country on the planet. but it s allowed here. surpr so it may not surprise you thatn in this country, drug companies spend more on lobbying congressress than any other industry. a lot more than an industry, a lot more than any other industry. and they don t d o it by accident. they do it because it pays off in a deal like this. a pretty remarkable deal . the drug companies have worked out with politicians. so the government usesthe gove x dollars to buy billions worth of their products and then in prme cases forces you to use those products. d sometimes sometimes those products work, sometimes they don t work. in some cases, those products can injure work. d some cases t you. no matte but no matter what happens,appes there s nothing you can do about it because politicians have given these companies s have gcomplete immunity. if their products hurt or kill you, you can t sue them. you re not even really allowedtt to complain about it. that s a. n incredible deal .y ha imagine if your company had struck a deal like that with the congress. probably be h you d probably be a lot richerer than you are. that p so that s power. but it pales in comparison to what we re seeing right now. if you really want to understand how powerful big pharma is , consider the news that did not break today. not break today. the pro transparency newso- trae organization project veritas a just released an undercover video of a pfizer executive bragging on camera about how his company conducts a kindh sc franconis com duyen science manipulating covid viruses for profitpulating, imperiling potee the entire world, doing it inrie secret, possibly in violationedw of federal law, bragging about this. s.ut this.o no matter whatd h your politics are, does ito you matter who you voted for? t that s a huge story. and you would think everyin thin reporter in this country wouldtr be itching to follow up on it, i calling pfizer , telling the public about it. bucabout t no, that s not happee in the twenty four hours footage oject veritas posted this footage, it has been viewed more than 12 millionthan times on twitter. so the public is very interested. why wouldn t they be? a are not. but the media are not. no other media outlet hast covered the story at all. we checked msnbc and cnn, cht which perhaps not coincidentally, take huge amounts of advertising dollars from pfizer . those two channels have devoted a total of zero seconds to the story. we ll just go online and find out about it.nd find ot about it. well, google, the biggeste bigge search engine in the world, which haarch s a monopoly on searchne in this country, appears to have gone out of its way to make it muco h more difficult for users to learn anythingers o about the pfizer executive exe pictured in the footage. and so there is , in other words, on television and in most places online, a near total media blackout of this story. how powerful is big pharma that powerful. fo butotage we have the footagt and we re going to show some of it to you tonight. that footage se think we should. now, that footage shows a pfizer executive calledtriste jordan tristán walker.n he is , according to theing to c documents, project veritas posted pfizer s quote, director of research directoand development for stri operations and mrn, a scientific plannincg that s. a big job. walker i is very highly educated and asucat you said, he s a hign ranking executive advisor. he in fact, he s just tw woith s reports removed from the ceo f pfizer , albert bourla, his name is jordan walker.e once again, here he is . you kno you know, the virus mutating. muah. one of the thingtas is like, why don t we just mutate so we neuld work to recreate identically developed new vaccines. right. so we have to do that.after we re goinwe dg to do thato tha that s a red light. ima as you could have a h no one wants to be havinarmag a pharma company mutating. that.ey have to consider, okay, future, like maybe we can create new versions of the vaccine, things like, okay, so pfizer ultimately t mutatingg abou covid. that is no covid?t a cure, proby no. we will r s thing about mutated covid 1% to the public. s we are we re quoting one of the thingsn we re exploring is why don t we just don t w mutated ourselves w could preemptively develop new vaccines. now, what does that sounds? that sound familiar? what sounds a lot like the gainf of function research. you read about the research that was occurring at the wuhan lab just before covid broke outf of the lab and overturnederturnd the world and wrecked the u.s. economy.nd wrecked that was the research the tony fauci lied about undero oathath. as the intercept has rp reported, quote, scientists working under a twenty fourteen nih gran t, the ico health to study alliance, to study batthe coronaviruses combine viruthe genetic material fromth a parent coronavirus known as w5. one with other other viruses vi. seven virologists told the intercepte d research, quote, appears to meet nature sr criteria for gain of functioiten research. in other words, it s exactly what it sounds like it is . so that also sounds like whato o jordan walker just described. soun jordan wal is fizer working on e right now?li well, in the clip you just saw, the pfizer executivepening is careful to say it s not happening right now. bunow, bt it is something that pfizer is secretly considering that telling the public. but in another undercover videoo also shot by project veritasve, walker suggests that researcheao to mutate viruses is ongoing. they just don t dare call itl it gain of function. watcfunction.h. when is pfizer goinghen to implement the mutation of all these viruses? i don t know if we re going the experiments work out because we lose like some time. right. it sounds like a gaiit sn function to me. i don t knowon. t kno i think it sw.differen like i se not going to function without it is . i mean, it s okay.. no, no, no, no. directed evolution is veryt. different than direct evolution directed directly at everything. okay, well, so i mean, is that what it is ? maybe i or not to function research for the viruses. yeah, but you do like thingsctet like like the structure to be more potent. yeah. so there they are around. are n i don t know how that s not where you not being more outbreaks. jesus christ. yeah. it s not gain of function. oh s not gain of function. it s directed evolution. so if you re wondering how tony fauci was allowed to lie under oath and get away e with it, the fbi did not rate his house. wa he was never handcuffed. maybe it s because hs e used a different term for the samee thing at pfizer . apparently, they re calling it directed evolution. problem solved.t callected evolution. problem solved and again, we want to remind we awhat we just heard, and we re quoting the pfizer executive. t you re not supposed to do gainne of function research with the viruses. e do we d rather not. str but we ductuo these selectedons structure mutations to make orthem more potent. ing about there is research ongoing about that. oh, wow. to make the virus more potent, you don pt covid is potent it kille enough. kill millions of people. well, walkerd millions o went oy that pfizer is trying to keep this research hidden from tell me thef us . watch tell me more like what s developing with the whole virus mutation process. well, they re still conducting the experiments on it. y ari see. like, they re kind of ready to go slow, very cautious. something else that was sitting on a solid two months. yeah.[indiscernible but i d also describe it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don t advertise your future mutation. yeah. they re still kind ofe stil conducting experimentsl conduc you just don t want to advertise that. fiu re figuring out future mutations, figuring out future, which sounds like they re causing futurethey are mutation now, it s obvious why this man seems a little uncomfortable with the company he workle uncoh is doing, because the plan he describes and we can t verify it s happening. we cany it s only show you whate executive said. that plan could very easily caus sd, thatple a new pandemicl millions of people. and by the way, that s why gaini of function research was bannedn until 2017 when tony fauci helped restart it. res and the result was, of course, was of course covid. covid. n so if that happened again,izer anyone could trace it to pfizer. that would destroy the company ,if not the world. so walker, in this tape made it very clear that pfizer is worried about a repeat ofleak. the covid lab leak. wait a second. we re all agreeing there wasizes a covid lab leak. nev yeah, pfizer s never saider h that in public that the covid strain started in the wuhan thew institute of virology inuhan in. with this kind of research was e occurring. but apparently everyone just knows that s true. watcryone knowh. tch. have to be very careful to make sure that the virus mutates, doesn t create something like this, goes everywhere . something crazy is the way thate the virus has got to be honest.o be honest. it makes no sense because i don t know what i like. yeah, i know. so we just went through this three years ago this month. o thisand there was a global paa as a result that again, killed millions of people and destroyed entire countries. it really hurtes ours. so why would you even think about doing something like thatn on purpose once again? why would you conduct this kindd knows thrch when everybody knows the consequences? well, again, we can t say for sure.ll you w we can only tell you what jordan walker said.hat wa and ofsad of course, the point s make money. isn t it the best businesst mar-a-lago like just control nature for nature even happened to itself, right? yeah, it would be worth mar-a-lago. what do you mean if it works like some of the things we just do, you teach us a pop up brand. rap, hip or like a doctor oro co calm and things like that. thso who knows?o knows? i mean, either way it s it to be a cash cow, probably a w a cash cow for us for a while going for it. yeah, i obviously well, i think the whole, you know, i think the whole like research of whols the viruses and mutatingea like would be the ultimate like cow . yeah. 30%. a now a couple of thingso notice to notice about that exchange. the , walker thought this through. this is not just off the top ofi his head. he s nots not stupid. . and he s clearly thought through the potential consequences thought of this re. but he also is honest enoughd be to admit that it could be a cash cash cow. co and heen he says, has laughs as he says it, it s beent a cash cow for us .r us so imagine two pharmae two executives meeting in a baphr b. and want to say, how can we get kids to smoke more cigarettes? more cbecause now, cancer is a cash cow for us .cancer cache cu people would recoil in horror. and by the way, regulators would be on thisrs would were the regulators. you can t just come up with a au drug claim. it works.and claimant works bece get the government to enforce regulatorsequirement to take igt ,you have to go through regulators. where are they ? where are they. regulating a company like pfizer ? could it be that regulatory could it b capture is real? we don t have to guess anymore because jordan walker explainsts it for us . watch this. oh, you re all governments. wow. yeah, and the allstry, all th the government officials. you like our looks. ry they work for the military like all the army defense, like governor of mexico, where he operates. t you feel about that revolvingdor door, like pretty good fornest the military, to be honest. yeah. yeah. it s bad for everyone else in america. why is it bad for everybody else? because if the regulators are provide, you know, that 1% shopping with regulators, they want to work for the company that i it s hard for me, you know, getting a job like you work for pfizer . my question for you is , why is pfizer want to hide fromre mt the public the fact that they re mutated coviatd viruses? they threw a lifeline, literally. oh, well, here s i am liliar whs trying to impress a person on a team. we re trying like worke, pleaset touch me. well, this is not why the way wh you tell anybody who is just working in the company really. f so that was the end of it.jamesf james o keefe, a project veritas, shows ueritasp and infs walker he s been recorded and he s clearly upset. and of course, you can understand why he s shocked. he didn t know anyone was filming. someone wae was. but what s so interesting is he his first excuses hi is i was li when in fact, he has explained y very sophisticated and very believable way how washingtons. works. we just promised to hire the regulators and then they don t really regulate us . what you seely regulat happenine the defense industry with generals from the pentagon happens in pharma to thee regula regulators hope to get rich working her riche. and that s true. and no executives of pharman fid companies ever been filmed saying that on camer saythata bi that s not a lie. that is that s the truest thing ever thi spoken in washington, dc. and then the situation begins to degrade. so walker, who is supposed to be a highly credentialed man of science, a clear thinking scientist, completely loses control of c himself. d he becomes hysterical and violent. at one point, he calls at o ne poithe police to complain the are too many white people in his presence and he feelse becoi safe . and then, oolt f course, hea. becomes violent again.e he stop hitting me, say says heyo punches you in the face. of course, it s a remarkable scene. of it. here s part of it. you want to put me in jail?e inl for asking you a question?wh yes, sirat. iling what is the intention of calling the police? they know. is it the right? this can i talk to you, please, about this video? okay, one , two, three , four, five . why do you see why would you bring race into this? please me? because i m .ock the door please, please, please, please unlock the door. why don t please unlock please c unlock the door. please unlock the door. people like that lock the door unlocked the door your door door open. lock everything up. this is this is a mark. we re trying to get the door the door i lockeord. it s done. lock the door. n wow. i didn t go . well, that man doesn t seemof as much of a he can kind of feel for me. on the other hand , what wasbute that? but more than anything, you ve got questions. what was that? was this guy s a pretty high level pfizer executive confirming a lot of things you alreadyno ie suspected and telling you things you had no idea. we re goinga that w on .nt t kn, of course, you d want to know what was that realy and what does pfizer have to say about it? well, no one else is calling? sing pfizer . so we did. pfize we call them repeatedly todaysk and we ask very basiced questions. does this gu the y walker still work if n for you?en and if not, when did he leaveav the company?e the company? and more than anything, are youg actually conducting experiments or consideare your conductingpeo experiments to mutate new and more dangerous coronaviruse a cc because it would be a cash cow. and if you are doing that or thinking about doing it, havee you received any you . goveu.s. governmenrnmentt are taxpayers paying for this? are taxpand by the way, do you e with this executive that covid came from a lab? we didn t have complex questions, very simple ones. qud emailed fizer all al day. but despite their famouslyoney well-funded pr department, allsy the lobbying money they spend, they did not get back to us. they refused to answer. so we contacted instead dr. robert alone is one ofne o the inventors of the mrna he snology used in fyssas covind shots. s he s a worldexpe famourts expert on this subject. thancan read up on somsue stecb and we re happy to have him join us right now. doctor , thank you so muchth for coming on . so this is a very complexyou are subject. we re grateful that you re here. from what you sa fromw in that tape, does it sound like pfizer is conducting or contemplate and conducting research that is effectively like a functionhi ? hi, tucker. it s great to be here.s great to and thanks. it it appears it appears that they are recapitulatingdona exactly what was done att th the u.s. institute of virologyrn right down to serial passage int their case, in monkeys, instead of humanized mice. but the buried lead in this,u tucker, if you don t mind, me saying so, please, is the implicit acknowledge the implicitimplicitcknowledgmet that they cannot construct the virut constr fast enough. the virus is outrunning them and they re having to resorty ms to extraordinary measures. this is an acknowledgment ofis is andefeat of their vaccinecc technology and their platform and campaign. they rin d the ple saying that we have te to go so far out on the edge w that we re really crossing we are bwe re breaking the law. buret we have no other choicenoy because our technology is not meeting the need i. pro we re not able to produceccinesf vaccines fast enough to get ahead of theseast en to ge viru. well, that one right over my head. so thank you for calling thato to our attention. amazing. you re describing a motive that makes some sense. it s nots some s just about mont they want to create an e effective vaccine, but it sounds like, as you put it,oingt they re going to exactly the place that got us covid in the first place. how is that allowed? preciselace.y. so the bio warfare treaty is like a cheesecloth. that s so leaky. this is this this is not a hard prohibition. and pfizer is a global companybn that s quite clear with massive resources. the abilittheyy to conduct reser in virtually any region. and byeg the way, a very closeith th relationship with the government of israel, which is not a signatory to the trea bio warfare treaty. so they have all kinds of ways et they can do this. ifl choi this is the ethical che you know, or i shouldn t say the unethical choice probablyto that they appear to have have made, they they have the ability with their money and power, as you ve seen, to define the rules and construct their reality. this is a muc i mean, the question of regulating this is a much longer conversation, but i someone who lived inn fo time wgton for a long time was very strucask by his description of regulatory capture at pharmau and pfizer specifically. does that sound right to you? abstely. and in fact, this is the seconde time that veritas has caughtsomy somebody saying this. they caugh they caught a employee at baabda basically sayingl the same thing. this recall previously, this is this is widely known. it was it was covered in the big short in terms of the s.e.c. this this is standard, as you point out correctly, this is standard practice in dc. i mean,pr you dac think congres would pass a law, the white house or the agency s regulation, ifw of you weren t.y if you re regulating an industry, you can t take a board seat in that industry right after leaving. why is that hard?ghavin g. yet? we have scott gottlieb as the poster child. he took a two month vacationr h after he left the fda and thened joined the board of directors of what was that company, pfizer ? yeah, completely corrupt. that is corrupt. dr. robert malone, thank you so much for your perspective tonight. that information any any time. tucker, thanks for being being a friend. i appreciate. t amazin so one of the most amazing i parts of the story is that it s hard to read about it online.bih and big tech seems to be running interference forr. pfizer and companies like pfizer . how is that? that s not a free press. so one member of congress sayss he has a plaplan to n to stop t, to stop big tech from colludingl to hide meaningful information fr


Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240706

wondering what this balloon is after. this spy balloon has been over uss space at least two days now. it is a chinese government, high-altitude balloon that s being seen in videos like this one from montana posted on twitter. officials believe the spying balloon have been flying over sensitive military site to try to gather intelligence. montana is home to the air force space. that had one of the country s three nuclear missile silo fields. president biden did not response to shoutout questions about the balloon today. thank you. the pentagon press secretary did issue a statement confirming the balloon is being tracked and adding that it is, quote, currently traveling altitude at well above commercial air traffic and does not present military or physical threat to people on the ground. the senior official says it is not the first time these kinds of spy balloon have been seen over the u.s. it is obviously a diplomatic issue coming days before secretary state antony blinken is due to travel to china. it is not clear whether those plans may change. one other important point is president biden asked for options to dealing with the balloon and pentagon officials advised against shooting it down because of the risk of heavy spy equipment the balloon is apparently carrying injuring or killing americans on the ground. that could be revisited at some point. one other final point tonight, canada s national defense is monitoring a potential second balloon incident. now, we don t know and they don t seem to know whether that s a different or a new balloon or a second one or a second citing sighting of the same one. montana and canada is very close. politicians have said china is the biggest threat that is we face and suddenly we find the chinese balloon floating above a u.s. military space. let s bring in our counter intelligence, bill, it is great to have you on here. one, maybe two balloons are not quite sure. what do you make of the location? we are talking about montana, 250 miles from the air force space which does have nuclear capabilities. any connection there, what do you make of this? well, good evening, trace, i think it is not only disturbing but we look at the prospects of what this spy balloon can be collecting on. as you mentioned, of the nuclear silo that we have in montana, for this highly sophisticated capabilities of satellite. are you buying this explanation from the pentagon, they are not shooting this down because of safety concerns. if we had balloons going over in china, it would be down in eight seconds. that s correct. i think the pentagon s solution to this may be ongoing and i think it is a living narrative because there are options on the table. we also want to be able to see two things, technically, what they are collecting on and counter collect and be able to understand that. secondarily, look at the geopolitical risks of shooting it down or not shooting it down. the fact that china has the balloon so low in our atmosphere and collecting our infrastructure is disturbing to the american people. mike walt is coming out, listen, we let them get away with this that s why we keep on doing this. here is what the pentagon said. once the balloon was detected, the u.s. government acted immediately and protect against the collection of sensitive information. yes, but this one lingered longer, bill. yes, it continues to linger and until we find out where it is, and when it is seized to exist, how do we mitigate that collection capability across the north central part of the united states and into the east coast or has to end some where, trace. we have to prevent and mitigate collection of this balloon as we move forward. so, the pentagon has now reached out to china. my question is they re saying look we have serious concerns and i think everyone is wondering, yeah, what are the consequences of something like this. don t do it again or are there consequences? well, the consequences could start with the diplomatic consequences whether there could be geopolitical aspects. there could be sanctions or a lot of situations. i think the american people right now we look at what are we going to do when our state has a balloon flying over our country. it is a difficult question to answer. the administration has to put forward of a response quickly and especially as we see secretary of state headed to beijing soon. bill evanina, great to have you there. we have to come back to the conversation whether it is one or two balloons. thank you. hunter biden s lawyer is asking for a criminal investigation into several people he claims disseminated the content of biden s infamous laptop. the lawyer is refusing to acknowledge that the laptop belongs to hunter biden. kevin corke is live with this. boy, you really nail it. this is one of the circumstances that you have to shake your head. here is the question that critics are asking tonight. how can the hunter biden team calls for a criminal investigation and presumably charged someone for disseminating information from the laptop that his own team is not willing to say it actually is. if that does not make sense to you, the truth is you are not alone. well, that s the essence of the batch of letters sent this week by hunter s attorney which they are demanding federal and state prosecutors and the irs launched investigations into those involved distributing the content of mr. biden s files from the now infamous laptop. did you catch that? mr. biden s files. they said that. they also said it does not mean that it is actually his. these letters do not confirm or other versions of a so-called laptop. they addressed the conduct of seeking, manipulating and disseminating what they alleged to be mr. biden s personal data wherever they claim to have gotten it. said abbe lowell, that is, his lawyer. other investigations are expected to focus on hunter s business dealings. lawmakers on the hill remains split on the laptop s relevance. i think most americans don t care about hunter biden s laptop or other gallery. i think it is an attorney tactic to try to stop something. one thing i will say from that is he s acknowledging now it is his laptop. speaker mccarthy right there and also the wall street journal says if it is true, this is hunter s laptop, that means the president and hunter have been misleading the country about this is story for years. indeed, trace. big time misleading. kevin corke, back to you in a bit. we are trying to get steven hilton shot up right now. meantime after making a few due process promises to moderate republicans, kevin mccarthy, has the votes he needed to boot congresswoman e ylan omar. listen to this. this is just a bunch of racist and gas-lighting, we all know it. don t tell me this is about consistency or a condemnation of anti-s anti-semitics. the general woman is no longer a party line vote of 218-211. the house voted to oust omar, a move omar argued it is personal. is anyone surprised that i am being targeted? is anyone surprised that i am somehow deemed unworthy to speak about american foreign policies, or that they see me as a powerful voice that needs to be silenced. house speaker kevin mccarthy says this is different, omar can still serve on other committees. if it was tic for tac. it is worth noting, we learned the minnesota congresswoman signed on a resolution from new jersey. omar everyone praised the resolution in a statement as quote, a condemnation of all forms are bigotry including antismettism and racism and white supremacy. thank you, jackie ibanez. with that, let s bring our panel. fox news contributor, guy benson. welcome to you both. welcome to california. it is very exotic here, very nice. it was so nice, i was surprised. you look at all the defenders of omar and they are talking about oh, this is racist pulling her off the committee, no one brought up the fact that she said so many anti-semitic things over the years. i believe it is award season and there were quite a few performances out the house floor today and the fake outrage. democrats guaranteed this would happen when they decide to call the shots when it comes to committee assignments for republicans. republicans are responding in kind. the notion that we heard over and over again from members of the squad this is what supremacy and racism and they re targeting her because she s a woman of color. setting aside her track record that you just referenced is total nonsense. what they are not talking about is the other two members of the house, adam schiff and eric swaller. the claim is absolutely ludicrous. moving onto jessica here, we ll move through these hears. it seems like it will go through the committee. i want to play this because kareem jean-pierre said this with a straight face today. we are not about political stunt, we are about dealing with real issues and taking action. that s what you have seen with this president over the last two years and now saying border measures actually made a difference and has an impact. made a difference and had an impact, taking actions? it is blatantly dishonest, jessica. it depends on what you believed have taken action, right? over a million of them gotten away. just this last week we had a late friday night dump of the december s numbers where a quarter of a million were at the border. we saw 12,000 unaccompanied children at the border. yes, they are definitely taking action. their action is to allow people to come over our border ill lillegally. guy, i know you love polls. the southern border is better to described as a national security crisis. 47% said yes. so you can combine those, the concept here, this is now being considered and by the way hispanics considered this a national security crisis. that s a big number. put me among the 8% that calls it both. i would go a step further like door number four. it is a national security crisis because of the terrorist watch list and people and public safety threats that we know have been caught. it is a humanitarian crisis and y yyou youyou loo look at the d suffering and people out on the streets for days on end. let s say this were happening in a more organized fashion. we are weeding out more dangerous people more successfully, we are not. this is a national sovereignty crisis. we have laws in this country that must be upheld. if we are not doing it it is a threat to our sovereignty. it is above the crisis and never been worse and the gaslighting from the press secretary is gone. it is a s amazing most to blame of the opioid addiction problem. you put this up there, illegal cartels and suppliers 27%. pharmaceutical companies, they re up here and the others are down here. it is interesting that people start to shift their perspective a little bit on what s happening at the border. yes, every seven minute someone is dying from fentanyl overdose. we saw about 13,000 pounds being seized. the problem with that is i.c.e. believe that it is only about 5% to 10% of what s actually coming over. mexican cartels made $13 billion off of our crisis at the border. i think americans are waking up to it. when you have 200 people dying a day, that s like an airplane falling out of the sky. if it is happening like that, they would shutdown every airport in the country. i want to put this up. the main reason for migrant situation at the southern border and policies o f the biden s, you can see right there, 52-45. many believes it is still the factors of their home country. it is one of those things if you ask guy benson, he ll be in both categories again. guy, jessica, thank you both for coming on. great to see you. we are supposed to believe hunter biden and a drunken super dropped off their laptop. you are trying to figure out whether that meeting in the mits of this, do you think that could be fake? for all we know these e e-mails are made up or some are real and others are fake, we don t know. when this story first broke weeks before the 2020 election, more than two years later, those comments like a lot of claims the media made have not aged well at all. let s bring in the host of steve hilton. it is great to see you. here is my favorite part. this is hunter biden s lawyer. this failed dirty trick resulted in the exposure of exploitation and manipulation of mr. biden s private and personal information. politicians have used this to manipulate data to distort the truth and cause harm. it follows by the next statement which says, quoting here, these letters do not confirm that matt isaacs or other version of a so-called laptop, they addressed their conduct and manipulating of what they alleged to be mr. biden s da data. the next one is, we don t know whose laptop it is. if it is, it is shame on you for exploiting. it is completely hilarious. they finally from the horse s mouth admits what it was projected to be along. the real evidence and not just hunter biden s sleazy behavior which is no interests to the political conversation. joe biden s corruption. that was what on the laptop. it was a legitimate public interest in the 2020 election. the evidence that was on that laptop that joe biden while he was vice president presided over a corrupt-influence peddling operation involving other things of a hostile foreign power, china, that he was financially exploiting, his public office for private gain. that was the evidence. they said it was ridiculous. i want to read one headline for you here from politico at the time. hunter biden s story is rushing disinformation, dozens of former intel officials say including the head of the cia, all these people who said they were absolutely confidence that this was a russian operation disinformation. adam schiff said that it came from the kremlin. now, we have hunter biden s lawyer trying to save his skin, saying that actually it was his all along and the next day when it contradicts the anywhere activity that the democrats want to put out there. well, actually, we don t know what it was. the truth is this is key evidence, the business model of the swamp which is influence peddling, using personal family connections for public influence over policy. that s what this swamp is all about. that was what was exposed on this laptop. that s why the entire establishment in washington wants to shut it down. not a word from any of those 51 intel officials, no body is walking it back. the cia director i want to know the political strategy of coming out of this now. are they trying to get ahead of something here? you have been in politics for a long time, what s going on here? why are you coming out with this today? they are trying to get ahead of the legal situation that s going to unfold when this evidence actually can lead through the investigations that s happening when the republicans are controlling the committee in the house. they re going to get this information and reveal it and it is going to be official and no longer the subject to newspapers and speculations. this is going to be actual evidence presented to the american public that they re trying to muddy the waters with these ridiculous legal maneuvers that actually makes a mockery of their entire strategy. from one day to another, they contradicted themselves. this is real and evidence of corruption at the highest levels when joe biden was vice president of this country. it needs to be exposed in the public s interest so this kind of insider dealer and influence peddling stops once and for all. we know that the president and we play the sound byte have been dishonest about this subject again and again. glad we got your shot up. finally, thank you, trace. coming up, the latest on the murdaugh s double trial. it shows him wearing different clothing than we were when he found the body of his wife and son. do you remember how media handled the whole alleged russia collusion thing. now, bod woodward are coming out saying they lie. later, are you burned out by being adults? 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