make america great event. roy moore said america was great when slavery existed. if you were a woman, if you were a minority, america was not greater back then. so how do you read this? i guess to roy moore 12 years a slave was about a family film. people working hard under difficult circumstances. none of this is in question anymore. it s really obvious what roy moore politics are. united you serve me or i whip you are you kidding me? he said we, we had slavery, like we white folks owned ya ll and therefore you were slaves and you were hold together. which you weren t because children were sold and everything like that. i don t find any of this shocking from roy moore. from president trump. what i have said, all you have to do is look at a president who s the number one choice of 8 out of 10 skin heads and it s pretty clear. it s up to voters and whether or not anybody in his party is capable of demonstrating dition
christians calling them all kinds of names. so you won t be surprised to learn and by the way names that are taken up by the rest of the press and reported as fact. you won t be surprised to learn that a florida based christian missionary group named d. james kennedy ministries made their list of hate groups like so many being tarred this way they are fighting back. they have sued them for deaf testimony immigration. dr. wright is the president of the ministries and he joins us tonight. doctor, thanks a lot for coming on tonight. thanks for having me on, tucker. tucker: so they have lumped you in to a category as a hate group. what effect has this had on your ministry? first of all, it s not a lot of fun to jury name listed right alongside neo nazis and the ku klux klan and skin heads. the effect is hard to measure. it lowers the confidence that donors have to support nonprofit organizations like ours. tucker: that s right. when they label us a hate group. we have even had
contact. what are your biggest concerns about the climate that is being exhibited by way of these demonstrations, and the potential from a gathering of this magnitude? well, you lost me at skin heads. that tells me who this group is. it is based on this notion of white supremacy, neo-nazism. they have the right, i would argue, that they can get out and have that say. i worry as a former fbi agent that they look for reasons for conflict. they love it. they thrive on it. it shows to their people who are on the fringe who could be that way that it s okay to be part of this fight. i worry it helps recruiting for these violent activities. these are folks who are a little touched anyway and you saw as in the last week one was driven to get in his car and try to murder people and unfortunately did
coined by richard spencer, who was a a white supremacist, it s just a rebrands of the title as was the term white nationalist. that s another word for white supremacy. they are white supremacists. they re not only, they re not the only ones engaged in targeting hate extremism. splc compiled this list of organizations that were driven with wii antimuslim, anti lgbt, black separatist ideologies. what ties all of this together? what leads the splc to classify something as a hate group? well, as you mentioned, we identified la16, 900 active hat groups in the united states. the vast majority are white suh prem sises. they are broken down. racist skin heads and the like. now, a group lands on our anti,
element. i don t understand why there was any need to come back from the statement on monday which was strong, you know. you can argue that it was kind of woodenly delivered. i think it said the things that needed to be said and i don t understand except for maybe something having a bit of a lag of self-control and self-discipline, why you would come off that state. did he, didn t he? he broke out of that straight jacket. some republicans were ready to direct president about the participant in that rally. let s watch here. think about what you have seen as one. reporters said. reminiscent of what we saw in germany in the 1930s. the president has to totally condemn this. if you re showing up to a klan rally, you re probably a racist or a bigot. and saying that, saying anything, the images i saw were skin heads and neo-nazis beating up women and trying to poke