society. this is just sick, is it not? i have to say, bill, you know and you have done talk radio, and i will have some really crazy people who carry around a portable grassy no with them call my snow and i have never heard of this. i have never seen a blog or web site i did check everywhere on something like this or a kind of theory. my understanding from pro-life individuals regardless of their color, whites as well, whether it be for first trimester or late term abortion is that they consider life to begin at conception. they consider abortion to be murder. that has nothing to do with the color of anyone s skin. having said that separately do i think and do i know that yes white aaron resistance, skin heads and et cetera are fearful that minorities are populating faster than whites and sometime in the next couple of decades whites will no longer be the majority, yes. to tie into that abortion, absolutely crazy. i have never heard it before today. bill: for a college
administration for the country s high deficit. tens of thousands hit the streets in the capital of spain to protest the pain of austerity cuts. crowds are angry about tax hikes, government spending cuts and unemployment rate. now back to lockup. utah state prison is an institution in flux constantly adjusting to the changes in the state s evolving criminal landscape, especially the trend of younger and more violent inmates coming into the system. many of these men also come to the prison affiliated with a gang. inside utah state prison, there are more than 150 recognized gangs. prison officials say the white supremacists pose one of the greatest threats. my whole family s skin heads. i was raised that way. my dad, my uncles, all my cousins. i been getting tattoos since i was 13 years old.
mikvah s cowardly attack kills 168 innocent civilians including 19 children attending the building daycare. i asked him what about all of the people. he explained they may have been individually innocent but because they were part of the evil empire they were guilty by association. later bloodied by the crazy columbine kids and the nutty aurora movie massacre. colorado is no strange either to hate. hotel worker omar diaz gunned down on november 18, 1997 by racist skin heads. i just thought to myself, you know, i had to do nathan a self-proclaimed nazi admits shooting the unarmed unassuming african immigrant. i thought about how easy it would be for me to just take him out. the terror attacks of 9/11
of six lives but to honor the lives of six people. we re here because that healing effort and those six lives, they deserve attention. we ll be doing that throughout the hour ahead. but we also want to tell you tonight about what we ve learned about their killer, wade page. a man motivated by hate. who officials say took inspiration from the swastika. where precisely that hate came from, where it all came together and when, we don t yet know. we do know that one of his stops on the road to sunday s massacre was the time he spent at the army s fort bragg in north carolina, which of course has a long tradition of producing heroes. drew griffin has been investigating how and when wade page was at fort bragg, what his service entailed. he joins us now. drew, what have you found about page s time in the military? well, it was not stellar, we ll tell you that in a little bit. but we wanted to focus on fort bragg because fort bragg, as you said, produced a lot of heroes, thousands
would go about doing the killing. they had the evidence. this guy, i think he was let go because he had been drunk on duty. there were no signs he was going to commit violence. again, how do you stop a lunatic? that is what we are asking ourselves. this is not a political issue. kimberly: making attack of violence against greg: the world is filled with losers. there are 6-7 billion people on the planet. violence is going down. bob: but you just listed off a group of people and you label them as leftist. bob: because yo the definition of skin heads are conservative racists. i don t know if you find me a liberal bob: i see a lot of skin heads in ows. they re anarchists. bob: anarchists may be true. eric: how do you define conservatives? bob: i didn t use conservative in that sentence. i said right wing. one of those eric: define right wing. bob: do you not consider greg: i m waiting for a tea party reference. bob: i would don t that.