Burial records from grounds around Macroom and north Cork will be uploaded in spring 2024 to a digital database that currently holds information on 112 graveyards around the county.
TOURISM chiefs are hoping for a boost from a new travel series with Julia Bradbury on British television showcasing the beauty of West Cork.The new four-part series Julia Bradbury’s Irish Journey has started on Channel 4, and features Julia – who was born in Ireland – exper
7 October 2023 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie What: Julia Bradbury’s Irish Journey - When: Sat 7 Oct, 8.35pm - Where: Channel 4 A new four-part series fronted by TV presenter Julia Bradbury will begin airing on Channel 4 today. Called Julia Bradbury’s Irish journey, it is supported by Tourism Ireland and is expected to be seen by…
WITH so much talent in the region, it’s not surprising that there’s a packed schedule for Culture Night in West Cork.Skibb will be alive with activity. Skibbereen Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann at Skibbereen Heritage Centre’s Courtyard at 6.30pm. Earlier in the day there’
When the O’Shea family arrived at the Cliff Mine location in 1857, 13 year-old Timothy O’Shea had already seen a great deal of the United States, their indu