has youthful charisma on his side. you say democrats succeeded only in electing candidates 53 years old or younger. that youth is what wins on the democratic side to. robert: to date since 1960 between jfk and clinton and carter and obama, we like hope and change and we like young, we like aspirational. i think this time around because president trump is in the white house, there is absolutely going to be a debate experience is important. i think vice president biden will say, hey, experience matters. look at what is happening today. we just don t know. martha: what is your dream dam ticket before you go? robert: you don t have to say president or vice president but took a people. robert: i don t want to go there yet. martha: come on. robert: someone with site biden, common, you know, a bunch of outsiders coming in. martha: no elizabeth warren? is she done? robert: i don t think she
is numb because we could see where in the first four primaries different people win. she has been at the forefront and income inequality. my issue on the center left, a pro-democrat to beat the president. because he s been strong in the economy and you can t ignore that. martha: harold scholz says he might get out if someone like biden gets and they are. robert: howard schultz should get out either way. martha: thank you very much and good to see you, good to have you here, all right, coming up next this 18-year-old is a another young man pledged paternity and never came home from college again. he was reportedly made to drink a gallon of alcohol and that was just the beginning. he was dead less than an hour later. that is next.