The sleuths of the Income Tax department continued raids on the factory and properties of industrialist Kailash Vyas for the third day in Bellary on Sunday.
The Income Tax Department on Friday said that it unearthed Rs 100 crore during a search and seizure action on August 25 on two groups engaged in sand mining, sugar manufacturing, road construction, healthcare, running of medical colleges in Maharashtra.
Uttar Pradesh news: During the course of the search operation, several incriminating evidences have been found and seized, including documentary evidence of several immovable properties of various third parties.
Jalna Raid: The officials of the Income Tax Department conducted raids at different places simultaneously through different teams. The Income Tax Department investigated the 3 rolling mills in the new MIDC and the financial transactions related to them. This includes a prominent land developer and businessman from Aurangabad.
The Income Tax Department on Wednesday said it recently carried out search and seizure operations on several groups engaged in healthcare services by running hospitals. Delhi: IT Raids on Hospitals Reveals Unaccounted Income of Rs 150 Cr, Jewellery Seized.