Posted on March 14th, 2021
government made a lasting contribution
to the social legislation of the country, specially Labour legislation. The MEP government set up Conciliation
Boards , Labour tribunals, The Employees Provident Fund and passed the Prevention
of Social Disabilities Act, No. 21 of 1957.These laws and bodies are now taken for granted. The pioneer role of the MEP is forgotten.
MEP government set up
Conciliation Boards to
facilitate amicable settlement of disputes. The
Conciliation Boards Act No. 10 of 1958
was passed amidst opposition from vested interest. Conciliation Boards were to operate
in all villages. Boards were empowered to settle dispute of a civil nature,
The first generation of actors who made their way to the Sri Lankan film industry, hailed, for the most, from suburban, lower middle-class, and Anglicised backgrounds. They entered the industry, despite opposition from their parents, who saw acting as an unworthy, unbecoming profession. Not surprisingly their prospects were limited, and most of them had to learn on their own, often through a patron or a mentor; this was, after all, a medium quite unlike any other, groundbreaking, innovative, and accused then as now of being too Western. Perhaps the latter association unnerved a conservative middle-class who linked it to a Westernised middle-class residing in either Colombo or the immediate periphery.