Top 7 Books Creating Waves This Summer
We bring you seven books that are creating waves this summer 08 April 2021 2021-04-08T16:15:00+05:30
Very rarely we come across books that mesmerise us and create a good space in the readers’ minds. Some stories are even magical. Irrespective of whether it is non-fiction or fiction, we as readers always crave for better books that can satiate our hunger for quality literature. At this juncture, we bring you seven books that are creating waves this summer
Me Ki Gai by Atul Khekade
Me Ki Gai by Atul Khekade is a book about a man’s journey of self-discovery about himself, his love, happiness and how to achieve success while working for someone you truly love and are passionate about. We see the concept of IKIGAI in this book. The book is inspired by this beautiful Japanese concept of having a direction or purpose in life, that makes one’s life worthwhile, and towards which an individua
New Delhi, March 9
As more and more women take to writing as a career, do they still feel reminded that they are female writers? Five authors reveal the kind of comments they have received over their years of writing, relating to gender or not, and how they dealt with them.
Kavya Sharma, All Seasons Alike People judge you not only for your art and the kind of profession you ve gotten into, they also assume as a woman you have it easy and this presumption is what creates discord. Some people also assume that as a woman your experiences are limited which further limits your writing arena. There are these huge writing groups who favour a few over others and those same set of people keep getting seen at various events and launches. Some people said ahh, the privileged sex, you can of course afford to become a writer. Some people have said People will only buy your book for how you look, you can get away with bad writing . Honestly, it did initially bother me a lot as it wo