Bhupinder Singh Honey, the nephew of Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi will be produced before the Jalandhar court by Enforcement Directorate on Friday after the expiry of his custody in connection with a Prevention of Money Laundering case pertaining to illegal mining in Punjab. Earlier on two occasions, the court had granted ED the custody of Honey. ED sources are
After the Enforcement Directorate's PMLA case, the Income Tax Department is also considering lodging a case against Bhupinder Singh Honey, the nephew of Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi. According to the sources, the probe agencies have shared information with the I-T Dept regarding his property details. The sources are saying that there can be a case of
Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi's nephew Bhupinder S Honey was sent to 14-day judicial custody in an illegal sand mining case on Friday. Bhupinder Singh Honey was produced before the Jalandhar court by Enforcement Directorate earlier today after the expiry of his custody in connection with a Prevention of Money Laundering case pertaining to illegal mining in Punjab. Honey
Honey was arrested during the intervening night of February 3 and 4 by the ED, which got his custody till February 8. It was later extended till Friday (February 11).
After the Enforcement Directorate s PMLA case, the Income Tax is also mulling to lodge a case against Bhupinder Singh Honey, the nephew of Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi.According to the sources, the probe agencies have shared .