The complainant, Shashikant Mishra, told police that he has been working with Bhatia Sons Jewellers in Chandni Chowk for the past seven-eight years. He said he often takes jewellery boxes and pieces to clients across Delhi.
Central vista project: Ticked off for breach, CPWD seeks nod to transplant trees near Badarpur
The trees were however being sent to the National Thermal Power Corporation in Badarpur, close to Delhi’s border with Haryana, in violation of the conditions. After this was brought to their notice, the forest department threatened to act as per Delhi Preservation of Trees Act, 1994. December 12, 2020 12:54:14 am
Forest dept granted permission for transplantation on Oct 21
Claiming that the transplantation of trees from the Parliament complex to the Central Vista Avenue location would have disturbed the proposed Central Vista redevelopment project, the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) has sought permission from Delhi government’s forest department for the trees to be transplanted at the NTPC Eco Park in Badarpur.