Timothy, whats wrong . Its happened, ive cracked up. You have . You look all right to me. I just saw myself, jonathan, i just looked into my own face. It was incredible. Whats wrong with it . You have a perfectly acceptable face. Some people might even consider it handsome. Yes, but it was on somebody else. Your face . Yes. I opened that door and there it was, my own face, through a cloud of swirling mist. Swirling mist. Yes, i just saw myself in that room not 30 seconds ago. Inside this room . Its empty. Naturally. But whats that medicinal smell . What smell . First i see things, now i smell things. Jonathan, i have finally gone over the edge. I wouldnt worry about it, timothy. Its been a difficult year and youre a little upset. Good nights sleep and youll feel fine. Sleep, i wouldnt dare close my eyes. Id see that thing again, that face, my face. Now dont panic, thats the worst thing you could do. I am not panicking. Im resigning. Well, you cant resign, not until after the graduation