Moosewala was on the wheel in Mahindra Thar SUV when the assailants, believed to be 10-12, fired more than 20 rounds at point-blank range at the singer and his two friends, who got grievous injuries. Moosewala got seven-eight bullets.
The autopsy report of Punjabi singer Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu aka Sidhu Moose Wala has revealed at least 24 bullet wounds on his body. He sustained maximum bullets on his chest and abdomen while two bullets on his right leg.
After the cremation, Sidhu Moose Wala’s father removed his turban and thanked the attendees with tear-filled eyes. As a mark of respect, he also folded his hands on seeing the sea of mourners present at the last rites.
Police sources say a total of 30 rounds of bullets were fired. The attackers were following the Punjabi singer-politician in three cars. They had sophisticated Russian assault rifles that were used for the brutal murder of Sidhu Moose Wala.