decapitated, because you two sickos took the head for god knows what reason, some voodoo [ bleep ] you re doing. larry and i would play a game of worst case scenario. i was talking with a friend of mine. and he s a survivor. and he would love to meet you. would it be possible, i mean, for me to bring him to dinner? of course. you would take the basic premise from something that actually happened and then just exploit it. where s the survivor? what he s the survivor. from the from the television show. the guy from the survivor tv show and the holocaust survivor get into an argument about who had it worse. i m saying we spent 42 days trying to survive. we had very little rations. no snacks. snacks? what are you talking, snacks? they didn t eat sometimes for a week, for a month. we ate nothing.
unfortunately i think i did have breakfast a few times at the strip club. you keep your head down. there was this bodyguard. i worked for a lot of sickos. they always wanted to have their meetings at strip clubs i guess because it s dark an there s no witnesses. so i think unionize is good whatever keeps the women safe. amen. i agree with the women. i watched a bunch of these interviews and i do agree they re treated horriblely and i m not a union person. but. i feel a lot of guys who show up every wednesday and they re there the twos, threes, turning 20 and hundreds, and in the it s just wednesday. the girl, the new owner during covid. do we have time for in.
it s too big. do something, she s coming up! i think curb in many ways is the ultimate descendant of seinfeld, it s in a much more real, truthful place where morality is a gray area. where s the [ bleep ] head? and everybody s redefining it all the time. the kid is home, hysterical, because her doll judy has been decapitated, because you two sickos took the head for god knows what reason, some voodoo [ bleep ] you re doing. larry and i would play a game of worst case scenario. i was talking with a friend of mine. and he s a survivor. and he would love to meet you. would it be possible, i mean, for me to bring him to dinner? of course. you would take the basic premise from something that actually happened and then just exploit it. where s the survivor? what he s the survivor. from the from the television show.
With each passing day, the left destroys more of our culture, while Americans too afraid to risk their own comfort simply turn their heads and look the other way. To do so, the radical left has [.]
A unique program at Pizza Hut that since 1984 has encouraged America's youth to read more books in exchange for free pizza has gone woke. The BOOK IT! Program has been – and you probably [.]