gun free zone laws when t they commit murder? es no, i think i think it makes good people an actual target. i if you read some of these manifestos, these sickos leave behind, you ll see that they planned this stuff months, a years in advance sometimes shoot gun free zonestimes because they want to get a high body bag count. t what better place than a gun z free zone where noon one can sto them immediately? if youou wanted to a country safer, why would you disarm law abiding people? exactly. or yeah, exactly. well, i m sorry that i mean,u you paid an incalculable price for this . we appreciate for sharing that with us tonight. thank you . thank you . thank . we ll be right back . could only one thing the rest
will find and expose these online sickos. they confront them, they film them, and if necessary, they get the police involved. the group recently confronted the aerials local news anchor who traveled to a department store to meet an underage kid. talk before we get the cops here. it s okay because here s the thing, i wasn t looking to meet him buried let s have a talk before we get the cops. you are into thick, chubby or guys, and shirtless picks? that already sounds bad. i want a cuddle. who would say that to a minor? the age in high school, 15 buried might be a good talker. here to hang i ve got to go. jesse: yeah you do. the man was fired from his job after this video came out but he hasn t been charged yet by police. joining me now are three members of the 607 predator hunters. i ve watched a lot of your
It is no secret that Elon Musk is shaking up the established order. What seemingly started as a joke about buying Twitter has morphed into reality and the establishment left is in complete panic [.]
working its way through the georgia legislature essentially allowing parents or giving parents the ability to ban books they deem objectionable. well, i think we have a few things going on here. i mean, first of all, we live in an un-paralleled and unprecedented time of educational polarization of the electorate where the more educated you are the more likely you are to be progressive, and the less educated you are the more likely you re to going to vote for republicans. racial injustice exists, that the holocaust happened, that transgender people are not sickos, and by banning these books by limiting the scope of childrens education i think a lot of republican policy makers are trying to directly inhibit children s education and ensure they remain as narrow minded as their predecessors and do not defect to the more ofisticated and agitated political party. i also think it s clear since the start of covid republicans have latched onto this idea of
jeffrey! it s too big. do something, she s coming up! i think curb in many ways is the ultimate descendant of seinfeld, it s in a much more truthful place. where morality is a gray area and everybody is redefining it all the time. the kid is home, hysterical, because her doll judy has been decapitated, because you two sickos took the head for god knows what reason, some photo [ bleep ] you re doing. larry and i would play a game of worst case scenario. i was talking to a friend of mine. he s a survivor. and he would love to meet you. would it be possible, i mean, for me to bring him to dinner? of course. you would take the basic premise from something that actually happened and just exploit it. where is the survivor? he s the survivor.