leading indicator. as the woke revolution w spreads across the west, canada is at the vanguard of it.t under justin trudeau, canada has done everything to the maximum possible extent. it is criminalize political speech. it is banned self defense.nai it s useze the power of the stad to squelch christianity, all of it. so if you want to know what s going to happen next in the united states , it s time to look north. canada is the ghost of our christmas future. so with that in mind, it sppenin scrth taking a look at what is happening right now inee canada s schools because you are certaif n to see all of it n your children s schools very soon. so this week, video surfaced on the internet from a place called trafalgar high school in oakville, ontario. that s right across the lake from niagara falls. these videos show a teacher called stephen hanah who apparently has been employed at trafalgar high for several years. recently and decided to dress like a woman or more pre
exceptional leaders, men like ronald reagan who wouldn t let america be pushed around. in the midst of simmering tensions with the soviet union, reagan went to the communist strong hold, berlin. and reminded them who ran the world. general secretary gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the soviet union and eastern europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. mr. gorbachev, open this gate. [cheers and applause] mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. [cheers and applause] history has always shown us strong leaders calm us down in times of fear like george w. bush after 9/11. i can hear you. [laughter] [applause] i can hear you. the rest of the world hears you. and the people. [cheers] and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. [cheers and applause] jesse: joe biden is not that guy. we knew joe was a bad student but i guess he flunked history, too. biden is dragging us kicking and screaming back to the fo
that the panel having accumulated a veritable treasure trove of juicy details on the trump coup plot, that trove growing by the day, as more and more witnesses testify before the committee. tomorrow investigators will hear from a prominent stop the steal conspiracy theorist with deep pockets and that would be the overstock guy in the words of former white house counsel pat cipollone and his name is patrick byrne and the former ceo of overstock.com. the former furniture industry executive joined lawyer sydney powell and rudy giuliani as well as former national security adviser in the oval on december 18, 2020, days after the electoral college certified that joe biden had won the presidential election. while many of trump s legal advisors had accepted that he had lost the election, byrne and others were pushing an idea that the president could use the national guard to seize voting machines. byrne s oval office access appeared to agitate those staffers hoping to redirect trump
accountable, primetime will. illinois state police confirm that the shooter s father is under criminal investigation. he helped his son buy the guns that were used in the shooting. bob crimo is a failure as a father. being a bad parent isn t a crime. but in this case, it might be. bob crimo s son was deeply disturbed and everyone knew it. this kid has been battling rage and depression for years. three years ago tried to kill himself. in april of 2019, an individual contacted highland park police department a week after learning of mr. crimo attempting suicide. spoke with crimo. spoke with crimo s parents and the matter was being handled by mental health professionals at that time. there was no law enforcement action to be taken. jesse: if my son was threatening to kill himself, would i help him buy a gun a few months later? no. i would do everything i could to get him professional help. and make sure he didn t hurt himself again or others. but that didn t happen. just f
dr. kaitlin bernard. an indianapolis obstetrician gynecologist took a call from a colleague. a child abuse doctor in ohio. hours after the supreme court action the buckeye state had outlawed any abortion after six weeks. now, this doctor had a 10-year-old patient in the office who was six weeks and three days pregnant. could bernard help? this is a heinous story. 10-year-old girl was raped and is pregnant with the rapist s baby? there is nothing more despicable than that. and she was now unable to end her pregnancy in the state of ohio, so according to the report, that s where dr. kaitlin bernard steps in. since indiana had yet to change their abortion laws, the girl could still end her pregnancy if she crossed state lines. her doctor got in contact with bernard and the 10-year-old was apparently driven across state lines and her pregnancy was ended by bernard in indiana. the story quickly took hold all across the globe. headlines, home and abroad highlighted the tragic situa