Today, the United States Supreme Court unanimously issued a decision in U.S. Ex Rel Shutte v. Supervalu Inc. resulting in a major victory for whistleblowers. The ruling overturns a series of U.S. Court of Appeals decisions that permitted government contractors and Medicare fraudsters to rely upon after-the-fact justification for their misconduct, even in the face of direct evidence that those who illegally billed the government were aware of their frauds., , , , The Supreme Court rejected th.
Food shortages, moldy apartments, a lack of medical workers: The United Kingdom is facing a perfect storm of struggle, and millions are sliding into poverty. There is little to suggest that improvement will come anytime soon.
Nestled between the Catskills, Taconics, and Berkshires, the Hudson Valley is a premiere destination for skiing and snowboarding, with six ski resorts peppered throughout the.