The unconditional love portrayed in Bhima Jewellers ad is a hit among Hyderabadis!
A recent unconventional jewellery advertisement showing the journey of a transwoman is trending for all the right reasons.
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The ad which features transperson and activist Meera Singhania traces the journey of a transwoman from childhood to marriage.
Express News Service
HYDERABAD: A jewellery brand’s recent advertisement starts with an unsure, unshaven young man being gifted gold payal by his parents, and slowly shows his transformation into a beautiful and confident young woman. The riveting one-minute-forty-second video, ‘Pure as Love’ by Bhima Jewellery is breaking stereotypes and the internet since it dropped on YouTube on April 14 with views upwards 6.15 million. The ad which features transperson and activist Meera Singhania traces the journey of a transwoman from childhood to marriage and her family’s unwavering affection and support. Hyderabadis