Balan muchas warns that the county has to get its act together unfortunate reality is that we are seeing case numbers that are higher than they should be for us to remain in red and unfortunately that puts us at risk of going back in the purple. You know the cause of it is obviously people getting together with family and friends and letting their guard down so that disease spreads and we had several weeks ago several large as ants that we believe accounted for that spike that theyre not just says the spike could be temporary at least hes hoping thats the case he points to several recent events as examples of behavior that is detrimental to the countys progression in reopening involving 300 people with no social distanced staying lee and its a wedding at a home with 40 people no social distancing no and then there was some type of the news sent invitation only event was a large number of people again no social distancing and we had dozens of cases from these events doctor much as says
Something that businesses in benicia say is crucial for their survival. After seeing a rise in coronavirus cases Solano County is moving in the wrong direction, heading backwards from the state spread here to its most restrictive purple tier it is definitely disappointing because i working in to see people is misses in benicia say. The jump in cases is disheartening not only for the community, but also for the lifeblood of the local economy purple tier prohibits most not essential indoor Business Operations and would cause some businesses to close or change their current plans, everybody does need to do their and be diligent and especially right now we are in normals flu season. And so taking just extra is going to help our little businesses in town stand business Solano County Health Officer doctor balan muchas warns that the county has to get its act together unfortunate reality is that we are seeing case numbers that are higher than they should be for us to remain in red and unfortu
Gettysburg won the james j. Roberts award for best civil war book that year and his book on confederate goliath earned the prestigious award on Civil War History given out yearly from the new york city civil war roundtable. Lets give rod gragg a warm welcome. [applause] thank you. Pleasure for me to be in a room full of historians and i say that seriously because i have learned that i may write a lot but the folks who really know the civil war are those of you who read a lot. And i appreciate that. Before i begin, if you dont mind, id like to tell you the story about the young history major what decided after he got a bachelors degree in history, he probably ought to get a masters degree in business so he could earn a living. So he was accepted, enrolled in a distant Prestigious School of business and wondered soon after he got there if he made the right decision because he failed his first exam and so did everyone in the class. Now, the professor was notoriously irrascable, he came in
Test. Test test. Test test test. He stormed out of headquarters without orders, down the street, to the dock side, commondeered a steamer and went to forth fi fi. When he arrived, he got anything but an optimistic greeting. I am come to share your feet, you are to be sacrificed. Despite his gloomy prediction, and even though he had barely 1 15000 troops in the force. In the woods, general cherry deployed his troops in lines stretching from the Atlantic Beach across the peninsula to the backs of the peninsula. In the rear, a secondary line faced northward where terry feared a confederate attack from the rear. And reinforcements had been sent south. 6,000 troops from north carolina. They were seasoned combat troots, sent to defend their home state and they were ready to do battle. It was the generals worst fear, especially if a rear attack came at night when the federal fleet could not provide federal support for fear of hitting federal troops. From inside forth fi fisher the sent messag
women com welcome to our vi the united states and around the world. we begin with the race to find survivors in turkey and syria more than 24 hours after an earthquake that has killed more than 5,000 in the two countries. the 7.8 magnitude quake and its powerful aftershocks collapsing more than 5,000 buildings. aftershocks are still creating treacherous conditions for rescuers who are trying to reach victims trapped. a massive international rescue effort now under way. and salma abdelaziz is live for us in istanbul. unfortunately the death toll is expected to rise. reporter: it is expected to ric rise. and you have rolling pictures right few on turkish television 24 hours of the search and rescue operations as families listing member after member that is missing. it is those families that turkish authorities are desperate to bring answers to. this is the critical window right now, this is the 24 to 48 hours after the earthquake where there is still a glimmer of hope that th