Voting in the crucial fifth phase of the Lok Sabha polls, spanning 49 seats in 8 states/UTs, ended on Friday with an estimated 60.09 per cent polling, spanning from a high of 74.65 per cent in West Bengal (7 seats) to a low of 54.29 per cent in .
Several long-time voters in Kalyan West area, which is part of the Bhiwandi seat, were in for a rude shock when they reach their polling booths on Monday morning.
The 2024 election campaign for the 48 Lok Sabha seats in Maharashtra - which concluded after two months on May 18 - was as colourful and funny as the occasional boisterous brawls erupting among the Gauls of Asterix's 'indomitable village', but .
The 2024 election campaign for the 48 Lok Sabha seats in Maharashtra - which concluded after two months on May 18 - was as colourful and funny as the occasional boisterous brawls erupting among the Gauls of Asterix's 'indomitable village', but .