Jul 27, 2021
Virtually releasing two Telugu books written by former Andhra Pradesh MLA, Shri N. P. Venkateswara Chowdary on ancient Hindu temples in Cambodia and Vietnam, Shri Naidu said the art and architecture of those temples showcase ancient Indian culture and traditions. Referring to the books titled ‘Cambodia Hindu Devaalayala Punya Bhumi’ and Neti Vietnam- Naati Haindava Samskrithi’, Shri Naidu recalled his visit to the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia suggested that everyone, especially the youth, must try to visit such temples and learn about India’s great past.
The Vice President also observed how temples in India have played a central role throughout our history as important centres of learning, art, culture and religion. He noted that temples, being an integral part of the social life of people, were crucial in maintaining social harmony. He also cited how temples flourished as focal points of music, dance, drama and sculpture. Temples were also pivotal during the