The Ministry of External Affairs on Tuesday said that Mukul Arya, India’s representative at the Palestinian city of Ramallah, died of natural causes and slammed “irresponsible comments” on his passing away.
The Ministry of External Affairs on Tuesday put an end to speculations around the demise of its Ramallah representative, Mukul Arya, saying that he died of natural causes.
Mukul Arya, Indian envoy to Palestine, found dead in embassy - Mukul Arya was found dead inside the Indian Mission in Palestine s Ramallah on Sunday. The cause of the officer s death is not known yet.
India s ambassador to United Nations, TS Tirumurti on Sunday (local time) expressed grief over the sudden death of India s Representative at Ramallah, Mukul Arya.
Mukul Arya, India's representative at the Palestinian city of Ramallah was found dead on the office premises on Sunday. External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar said on Sunday expressed grief over the sudden demise of the young diplomat who had taken charge as India's envoy to Ramallah last year. There is no official information regarding the death of Arya, an IFS officer of