Welcome to hannIty. TonIght, early votIng In the commonwealth of PennsylvanIa Commpennsylvy In 12 days. Now, the fIrst maIl In ballots wIll be out to voters vot thIs frIday. That would be tomorrow In north carolIna. A mere and the electIon Is a mere 60 days away. But Kamala HarrIs tIm walz, they have conducted only one LIort IntervIew combIned. They both lIterally run froM Every questIon, even Thosey Runr by frIendly reporters. Coey hav shoe held zero press conferences, no Town Halls, gaggles. None of It In the same tImean frame. Donald trump. J. D. Vance. A partIcIped thme edIted a Wells 40 IntervIews and Town Halls and press conferences, cludIn IncludIng last nIght In harrIsburg, p. A. , where the former took questIons for t more than an hour, In fact. Wellan we couldnt fIt It all I In just one show. I dIond have. Ou wIl one more questIon for the presIdent. Youll see the answer to thIs In a moment. L answer to thIsand that was abr not the presIdent wouldIdent, In fact, how would he d
Scott Beggs Scott Beggs stop. And i would blush if i had any blood in my body. Happy thursday, everyone. So its been two days since cnn announced theyre bringing back brian stelter. Two days. And already Jake Tapper has had to bring back his refrigerator once again to buy. The doj has formally accused russia of election interference. I guess whats old is new. If your president has dementia. Liz cheney says shes voting for Kamala Harris. Well, then kamala has my vote, says one man. Thats benedict arnold. For all you non history buffs. A Las Vegas woman told police she stole an expensive casket containing a body because she blacked out from drinking. But dont worry, the corpse was returned safely. Hunter biden pled guilty to tax evasion. He tried to use an alford plea, which would have allowed him to plead while maintaining his innocence. Guess he wanted to have it both ways. Which he also wrote off on his taxes. California is mulling a requiring cars to tell drivers when theyre speeding