What’s the news: It’s a device-a-palooza. Today, T-Mobile announced that four new devices are coming to T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile this month: motorola razr, moto g power 5G, Samsung Galaxy.
until. it. wasn t. don t let type 2 diabetes get between you and your heart. even if you reach your a1c goal you are still at risk for heart attack or stroke. talk to your health care provider today about diabetic heart disease. and find out more at heartoftype2.com. your heart and type 2 diabetes. make the connection. thanks to kevin jackson. we have a few minutes here in the holiday week. do you have your shopping done, kevin? i do. na dine?
starbucks says roughly 10% of all purchases are made with the device. francis. thank you so much. stories making news this morning. president obama was in new york city tuesday for some heavy duty fundraisers, but found a little time to get shopping in. he stopped by the gap to buy sweaters for his daughters, athletic wear for his wife. before he got shopping done, president obama made digital waves by appearing on zach galfanakais. it helped drive traffic to health care.gov. it directly sent over 32,000 people to the health care marketplace. he stopped by the last word with lawrence o donnell last night and talked about the image of the presidency and if doing the skit damaged it in any way. i just feel that question is continually asked any time a president does any kind of comedy thing, be it slow jamming
great advice. guest: thanks. happy thanksgiving. eric: toys r us are opening the night before black friday, thanksgiving day, 8:00 p.m. workers at target are upset working turkey day what kind of response is toys r us getting? the c.e.o. of toys r us, you see all of the news about workers upset, unions upset but you go with 8:00 p.m. thanksgiving day night? guest: our customers asked us to. last year we opened at 9:00 p.m. and our customers are different, they are families, they are parents with small children, they like to go, get the shopping done; they go home and go to bed and not get up in the middle of the night and nuclear they said, let us in and we decided to open up at 8:00 p.m. and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. with our employees, we all know we are in the toy business. it starts on black friday, and