intervention through the page. eric: a rower told me that there are people calling from all over the country trying to help. guest: people want to send donations, and turkeys, do anything they can. eric: what state are we in, in recovery, in new jersey? guest: what state? eric: what stage. guest: the beginning. there are people that are suffering and need help and for rather reasons have not gotten it yet, and we are at going stages tomorrow. now, you have also prepares bring power to certain areas. guest: i was working with a reporter, and i drive a vespa in the summer, usually, only, but with the gas crisis i was able to drive around and report open gas stations to a local reporter who was able to tweet out the
guest: people are looking for bargains. in the toy business what we see is good times and bad and the last time parents cut back is holiday present for kid so ever during the negative times in the fall of 2008 and 2009, our sales grew around the world. imus: are you worried about the fiscal cliff on a corporate legal? guest: they will solve it. that is my bet. the broader economic picture remains, but i am comfort with the business. eric: have you held back until we find out if we go off the fiscal cliff? guest: we cannot slight the business for another purpose so we hired 45,000 seasonal employees more than last year. eric: the president saved the lives of these turkeys so why is peta so upset. the answer will have you saying i degree i beg your pardon.
hostess they have to liquidate, and leader is what people do not realize, they make twinkies and hostess wonderbread. did you know that you can t put a twinkie on a bread truck because the teamsters say if you transport bread you cannot transport a twinkie and you getd the products, someone else has to do it, the truck driver doesn t want to touch it, no wonder the unions drive the costs of everything up and businesses like twinkies out of business. guest: what these people ought to do is look what happened to hostess and now there are 18,000 unemployed because of the yawns. so lock at that and think twice what they are doing and be thankful you have a job in the economy. eric: thank you for joining us today. forget the union threat, is the fiscal cliff a threat? doing a number on holiday shoppers?
democrats agreeing to raise taxes to pay if oh bum s bigger government then the republicans would be co-owners of what will be, unfortunately, a very unpleasant four years as all of obamacare falls on top of the heads of the american people, all of the regulations they have been delaying until after the election me begin to kick in, this is a lot of unpleasantness all delayed deliberately until after the election that will not be pleasant between now and the next four years and i don t think anyone wants it sign up to pay for all of the higherding a. eric: the if youly newly elected congress people and senate, are they signing on to your pledge at the frequency to which the prior elected folks have, the 2010 class? guest: well, 2010 was the high water mark but we are at 90 percent all republicans in the
single american for seven days can read it so we don t get tapped where they come in and say sign this right away, emergency, emergency, emergency, and people grow to something they haven t read, as long as we have those two things there won t be a bad deal. eric: conservative columnist bill kristol said even the tea party is okay if you just raise taxes on people earning over $1 million. do you grow or disagree? guest: that is silly. he speaks to many issues well, but to this issue, no. eric: thank you, grove norquist. tomorrow, neil cavuto is hosting a thanksgiving though and why this fiscal cliff issue is so important to american workers, to american jobs, and, then, decide not lawmakers should keep their, it is not about red and not about blue but green, your money, don t miss the special at 4:00 eastern.