Union Home Minister Amit Shah lauded the Suttur Mutt, a significant religious institution of Veerashaiva-Lingayats in Mysuru, for its societal contributions and education initiatives benefiting over one lakh students. He commended the mutt s decision to establish a branch in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, during his address at the Suttur Jatra Mahotsav, a cultural festival.
Mysuru: Chief minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday said govt offices will be adorned with portraits of 12th century social reformer Basaveshwara with a .
The Karnataka cabinet, on Thursday, gave its nod to declaring Basavanna, the 12th century social reformer and Lingayat icon, as the state s cultural ambassador
Union Minister Khuba announces government initiatives to make India tuberculosis-free by 2025. Learn more about the programs and efforts to eliminate TB in the country.