Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha MP and senior party leader Sanjay Raut on Friday slammed the Yogi Adityanath government and said that in the coming days, at least 10 ministers may resign from the Uttar Pradesh government. India News | At Least 10 Ministers May Resign from Uttar Pradesh Govt in Coming Days, Claims Sanjay Raut.
Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha MP and senior party leader Sanjay Raut on Friday slammed the Yogi Adityanath government and said that in the coming days, at least 10 ministers may resign from the Uttar Pradesh government.
Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha MP and senior party leader Sanjay Raut will be in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday to finalize the strategy for the party ahead of the Assembly elections.
Siddharth lands into a new Controversy: Actor Siddharth landed into several controversies after he expressed his views on his Twitter handle. The actor is quite active on the social media platform and expresses about several ongoing issues.