Coimbatore: Tamil Nadu chief secretary Shiv Das Meena inspected the ongoing Pillur-III drinking water project work at Nellithurai panchayat in Mettupa.
Ludhiana: The coast is finally clear for the under-construction Halwara airport with the Indian Air Force (IAF) giving final approval to begin project.
Ludhiana: Almost a year after the Ludhiana municipal corporation (MC) had initially floated tenders for the second phase of the project for bioremedia.
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has called upon the Dravida Model government, led by Chief Minister M K Stalin, to investigate
India News: The Tamil Nadu government on Friday provided financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh each to 10 needy Kalaimamani awardees and Rs 10,000 each to 500 folk a