Currently shooting in Punjab for her next film Sukhee, Shilpa Shetty shared a photo of herself sunbathing. The actress gave all a glimpse of her relaxing Sunday ahead of the shoot.
Shilpa Shetty Loves Adding Flaxseed Powder To Her Meals: 5 Reasons Why You Should Too!
Shilpa Shetty Loves Adding Flaxseed Powder To Her Meals: 5 Reasons Why You Should Too!
Shilpa Shetty swears by flaxseed powder, which she adds to almost every recipe she tries. Here are a few reasons why you should try it too!
She makes it a point to include flaxseed powder in her diet
Here s why this may actually be a good idea
Shilpa Shetty is one of the fittest celebrities in the industry today. The actor has an enviable fitness routine and a strict diet which she maintains at all times. The only day Shilpa Shetty lets her hair down is on Sunday - her official cheat day also known as Sunday binge to her followers. Do you ever wonder what is the secret ingredient in Shilpa Shetty s diet plan? A recent Instagram story posted by the diva may have the answer. Take a look: