The Sheridan Economic and Education Development Authority could soon have more members.
At the recent SEEDA Strategic Planning Meeting, representatives from both Sheridan County and Sheridan County School District 2 expressed interest in wanting to become partner-entity members.
School Distric
The administrator of the Sheridan Economic and Educational Development Authority provided an update to the Sheridan City Council and Mayor Rich Bridger at the Council’s business meeting this week. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
SEEDA Update
SEEDA is a joint powers board that was
Sheridan County School District #2 held a special Board Meeting on October 26, at the Central Office Board Room.
There was one recognition. Kristie Garriffa reported that SCSD#2 was ranked #1 of K-12 schools of similar size in Wyoming by 2023 Best School Rankings.
Garriffa spoke to t
With very little space remaining in the High Tech Business Park, a plan is now in motion to explore the possibility of building another park, for businesses to set up shop on.
The Sheridan Economic and Educational Development Alliance has approved a bid of $29,750 to MC2 Engineering and Construct
Sheridan County School District #2 will hold a special Board Meeting on October 26, 2022 12:00 p.m. at the Central Office Board Room
There will be one recognition, Kristie Garriffa with the 2023 Best School Rankings, SCSD#2. In new business the board will address the following actio