a coincidence that we re not going to enforce our russia sanctions, that devin nunes was investigated by the ethics committee for mishandling fisa intel and now he wants to have a vote on fisa intel without letting the director of the fbi, who sort of stewards and shep d shepards fisa intel i suppose they could all be coincidences. the stakes are nothing less than understanding the extent and degree of the russia question. the greatest foreign policy, national security scandal, of our lifetimes, maybe the history of the country. look, i raised this question this morning, i was not, perhaps, as precise in raising it as i might have been. you don t have to think devin nunes is a russian agent to think there s a possibility he s been compromised by the russians. talk to people in national security circles, intelligence circles, former fbi agents, they don t much suggest he s on the payroll of the kremlin as the possibility that he s a useful idiot and a dupe who is doing the kremlin s